The alternating training contract multiplies through SMEs

The Labour reform It has brought with it several innovations. One of them is the alternating training contract. It is a contract modality that replaces what has been the training and apprenticeship contract until now, a type of almost testimonial contract that occurred in only 30,600 cases last year in Spain, that is, 0.15% of the total of 19.3 million labor agreements sealed.

The Center for Professional Studies CCC, with an outstanding training axis for employment, has analyzed the text of the labor reform and the main novelties of the alternating training contract, “a resource that can serve as a catalyst for companies to bet on a type of contract that has a practically residual character”says José Sancho, director of training and employment at CCC.

This new type of hiring “It will have a positive impact, above all, on small and medium-sized companies in our country, which make up the majority of the business fabric, and they will be able to access youth hiring with more advantageous conditions”. That is why training centers such as CCC will design ad hoc plans for companies that need adapt this type of hiring to the characteristics of their positions.

What are companies facing?

The alternating training contract seeks the possibility of reconciling paid work activity with vocational training processes, university studies or training specialties of the National Employment System. With this type of contract included in the Labor Reform, important innovations are included to promote hiring.

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Among the highlights, alternate training contracts can be signed with people who lack recognized professional qualifications for the job that is the object of the contract. In the case of FP or University, in addition, contracts can be made with people who have a previous degree provided they have not had another previous training contract in training at the same level and in the same productive sector.

Since last March 31, alternating training contracts can be concluded with people of any age, with the exception of those whose training plan is made up of training specialties or level 1 and 2 professional certificates, in which case the age limit will be 30 years. In this sense, a change is also reflected with respect to the percentage of time dedicated to training activity: during the first year training activity increases to 35% and work activity is reduced to 65%, while in the second year , the work takes center stage because it will occupy 85% of the time, leaving 15% to the training activity.

Benefits for companies

Among the advantages of carrying out this type of contract for companies, are the economic ones. For example, in terms of salaries, companies assume from now on 65% of the base salary according to the agreement the first year (or failing that, 65% of the SMI) and the second year of the contract. They will be responsible for 85% of the salary.

With regard to contributions, companies with less than 250 employees will be exempt from contributing for the worker with this contract, while those with more than 250 workers will have 75% of the business contributions to Social Security for common contingencies. On the training part, it is Social Security that assumes the cost through subsidized training that companies have to accept.

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