The best thing about the new Oppenheimer trailer is knowing how this scene was made

Christopher Nolan’s next movie is already on the verge of candy. The famous film director has released the first official trailer for his new film, Oppenheimer, and with this, we have been able to get an idea of ​​what the story about the creator of the atomic bomb will be like. The video itself is fine (the truth is that we really like this contact), but the best thing about the trailer is knowing how Nolan managed to recreate one of the most shocking images shown in it: the explosion of an atomic bomb .

The first trailer for oppenheimer

We were looking forward to it (like everything the British director signs) and it’s finally here. The first video preview of Nolan’s new film was released just a few days ago, thus being able to get to know a little better what we will find when we go to see the movies to get to know the life of robert oppenheimer.

As you well know (and if not, we’ll quickly remind you here), this American physicist led the manhattan project during World War II and is known as the father of the atomic bomb for his work in developing the first atomic bomb. This bomb was used to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After the war, Oppenheimer, clearly horrified with the scope of his creation, became a public advocate for the regulation of nuclear power.

Nolan will now bring this story to the big screen with cillian murphy as the protagonist, and the participation of other recognized stars such as Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh -this girl doesn’t stop!-, Jack Quaid (Hughie Campbell in The Boys) or Matt Damon, among others.

Although, as we anticipated, the trailer looks promising -it’s Nolan, what the hell-, best of all is knowing how one of the most impressive scenes in the trailer was made. And it is that, far from what can be thought, the first atomic bomb explosion that you see is not recreated with digital effects.

The Trinity Test scene

At one point in the film you can see how the Try Trinity. Under this name the first atomic bomb test was carried out by the United States and led by Oppenheimer, taking place in the Alamogordo desert, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945. Its execution demonstrated the viability of the atomic bomb as a military weapon and, in fact, about two weeks later, it was used against Japan.

For the filming of these scenes, Nolan wanted to dispense with the PC and the popular CGI, recreating the explosion of a bomb in the manner more realistic possible. For this, he had the help of Andrew Jackson, visual effects supervisor, and a great display of logistics and visual elements to recreate the scene in New Mexico itself. The idea with this was to represent the “quantum and physical dynamics of the Trinity test itself”, thus achieving a much more impressive and above all reliable effect. In this way, we have one of the most important moments of the film recreated with the calls (within the world of cinema) mechanical or practical effectsor what is the same, special effects without using the computer.

It is not the first time that Nolan is obsessed with achieving something like this. One of the keys to the fantastic interstellar It is that the direct put a lot of effort into recreating space travel in the best possible way and, above all, the nature of wormholes. The overturn of the truck The dark knight was also done without CGI as well as the famous scene in the lobby of Inception. About these last two moments, there are videos on YouTube explaining the process:

It is not surprising, therefore, that so much “trouble” has been taken to find something like this for Oppenheimer. The movie, by the way, will premiere on July 21, 2023. It’s getting less.

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