The characters revealed so far in Amazon’s Rings of Power

All the characters we know

As we say, that trailer has not only served to show the quality of the bill for the series that will premiere on September 2, but also allowed us to check who will be some of the leading actorss and, most importantly, the roles they will play. Keep in mind that the story takes us back to times before the events of the trilogy of The Lord of the ringsa few thousand years, so we will meet some heroes who in Peter Jackson’s films have already had time to add a few more years.

Next, we leave you the names of those characters that we already know will be. Behold…


Played by Maxim Baldry, we will learn the story of the King of Arnor and Gondor that was able to snatch the one ring Sauron’s fingers after cutting off his finger with the broken sword.


Nazanin Boniadi will have an important role in the Amazon series, although they have not revealed exactly which one. What we do know is that she is a mother and that It will have certain healing powers.


Portrayed by Robert Aramayo, will give life to the half elf, son of Eärendil and Elwing and whom he also played in Peter Jackson’s Hugo Weaving films. You will remember him as the character who greets Frodo Baggins’s fellowship of the ring in Rivendell.


She is an elf of the Noldor clan, daughter of Finarfin and Eärwen and who in the original films spiritually guides Frodo and Gandalf on their troubled missions. He was played by Cate Blanchett although on this occasion the actress Morfydd Clark will be in charge.

High King Gil-galad

Monarch of the Noldor in Middle-earth, the role played by Benjamin Walker will be the one who receives one of the rings with more power of all that were forged, though not as strong as Sauron’s one ring.

The O

As in the previous case, we will meet this character played by Tyroe Muhafidin and whose only clue is that we will see him wield the broken sword which (presumably) Isildur used to wrest the one ring from Sauron.


Played by Charlie Vickers, he will play a fugitive who will soon be immersed in the events that will take place around the forging of the rings of power.


Ismael Cruz Córdova will play one of the characters that have been created specifically for the series. Is about a wood elf whose role is not yet known concrete that will play in history.


The princess of the dwarfs will be played by Sophia Nomvete and the depth of her character or the relevance of the events in which the series stops are not exactly known.

Durin IV

Is about an old acquaintance from the trilogy of The Hobbit, which is again played by Owain Arthur in the role of the prince of the underground kingdom of Khazam Dum.

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