The death of Superman is auctioned for half a million dollars

If in the early 90s you were already in the world with a certain conscience, surely you will remember the main media of that time telling on the news that Superman had died. The comic that narrates how the man of steel falls at the hands of Doomsday is, surely, one of the most important in the history of the superhero and the most decisive for the future of the DC universe in the last 30 years.

One of the greatest comics

It was the fault of one of those responsible for that comic, John Bogdanove, that some of the interior and cover designs of that mythical comic who found a way to renew interest in a character who had somehow lost some of his popularity after a decade of film adaptations with mixed fortunes. While the first two films starring Christopher Reeve are real gems, the last two are absolute nonsense that ended up affecting the character.

The fact is that the plates sold in this auction have allowed to obtain a total of 513,000 dollars (just over 470,000 euros), distributed among different lots that included the original cover of the pocket publication and other interior pages. In the case of this main art, the auction reached 204,000 dollars (more than 187,000 euros) and in all cases it is about black and white plates of a sweeping beauty. Obviously the works are handwritten by the artist, which not only gives them value, but also that extra legitimacy that guarantees that they are completely original.

Regardless, this auction comes at an important time for the comic because In 2022, 30 years will be celebrated since the publication of The Death of Superman, one of the key moments in the recent history of DC comics that not only affected the man of steel, but also a huge number of characters from the factory that were involved in these events. Do you remember them?

30 years of resounding success

as we say, The Death of Superman marks a before and after in the imagination of DC fans because it not only served to introduce us to one of the deadliest villains, Doomsday, but also served as the starting point for a whole series of stories that revitalized many of the characters. from the comics. You have to remember that when the man of steel dies there is a profound impact in the fans who suddenly fear they will never see the great Clark Kent again.

that event served to generate a wave of adherence to the character and his entire universe, which saw increased interest in him as well as all his previous works and miracles. In any case, it will not be until well into this century, with the wave of superhero movies invading everything, that we would get to see the spectacular scene of the fight against Doomsday in the film Batman v Superman Dawn of Justicewhen Zack Snyder offered us his particular vision of the 1992 comic.

Now, 30 years after that shocking comic, DC returns to the fray and prepares its particular review applying that syrup of death to more superheroes, specifically, to nine of the members of the Justice League, who will pass on to a better life in Justice League #75 The Death of the Justice League. Written by Joshua Williamson and drawings by Rafa Sandoval, we’ll see what happens to the future of Batman or Wonder Woman… or Superman himself.

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