Apple is always mired in legal matters with its business rivals. But also with countries where their ways of working do not seem to violate local laws at all. That is what has happened now with Holland. The Dutch authorities have formally asked the American company to cease or change its work activity within the App Store because it violates certain antitrust laws due to the mandatory use of integrated purchases.

The research was driven by the complaints issued by Match Group (parent company of Tinder and many other dating apps). The bulk of it was carried out by local authorities. The requirement to exclusively use Apple’s in-app purchase system was ruled unfairly monopolistic. Before making the results of this investigation public, they have communicated it to Apple so that they can review it and allege what they consider appropriate.

We already know that Apple benefits from the commissions of 15 to 30% that it charges for all digital transactions that are made through the App Store. That is why there have been many attempts to eliminate this system. They are nothing new but they have increased over time. Lately, the company has many open fronts. This year alone, Apple has made notable concessions in response to antitrust pressure. Starting next year, Apple will allow developers to tell customers that They can also buy the same digital products online and link to their website.

So there are changes. What we do not know is if Apple will continue to grant more variations on this theme. We do not know if there will come a point where the company is planted and does not want to promote any more benefits.