These are the 20 passwords you should never use

To avoid intruders in our accounts, it is essential to have good passwords. It is the main security barrier, so we must not fail there. However, it is very common for us to make mistakes and continue to use some very common and insecure ones. In this article we echo the 20 passwords you should never use. The objective is to prevent your accounts from being unprotected and there may be intruders.

Passwords you shouldn’t use

there may be a great difference between one password and another. You may use one that does not really protect you at all, while another could be very safe if it meets a series of characteristics. The problem is that the most common keys, the ones that are really a problem, are still the most used.

According to a report carried out by Lookout and of which we echo, there are 20 passwords that are especially used and of course you have to avoid. We can say that they are the first ones that hackers will try and they will not really need to sneak any malware or steal them by any sophisticated means. Basically all they are going to do is try each of those 20 and see if they have any luck.

That is why it is essential not to use any of those 20 common passwords that have been classified as the most insecure. If you use any of it, wherever it is, we recommend that you change it as soon as possible. Even if you are using some key that, although it is not exactly like that, is similar to the ones that we are going to show.

This is the list of 20 passwords that you should never use:

  • 123456
  • Password
  • 12345678
  • 123456789
  • 12345
  • 111111
  • 1234567
  • 123123
  • qwerty123
  • 1q2w3e
  • 1234567890
  • 0
  • ABC123
  • 654321
  • 123321
  • Qwertyuiop
  • iloveyou
  • 666666

What should a good password look like?

After showing which are the 20 most dangerous passwords currently, but which are widely used, we are going to talk about what a good password should be like. You must take into account certain factors to ensure that your accounts are properly protected. The goal is to prevent anyone from entering.

The first thing to keep in mind is that it is important to use passwords that are totally random. Avoid using words or digits that relate to you. You must use letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. Always all this randomly, without being related to you and they can easily find out.

It is also important to take into account the length. Just by putting an additional symbol we will already be making that access key exponentially more secure. How long should a good password be? We can say that from 10 it can already be considered very strong. The combinations increase a lot with each number, letter or symbol you put. This will make it slower to steal a password.

Another fundamental piece of advice is to avoid putting that same password in more than one site at the same time. This is a major error, because if they find out what the password is for one service, they could start trying many others to see if it is the same and thus enter fraudulently.

In short, as you can see, it is important to avoid certain passwords that are not secure at all. It is important that you generate totally reliable keys, that protect you and keep cybercriminals away.

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