These are the 7 main technologies for a successful development of the metaverse

Possibly “Metaverse” is one of the words of the year. For some it is synonymous with a real revolution. While for others a space in constant evolution with a future darker than light. If we dissect it, metaverse is itself an acronym composed of the word “meta”, coming from the Greek and meaning “beyond”, and “verse”, referring to the universe. A universe that goes further and that Mark Zuckerberg intends to be his great technological project.

However, to achieve this, it needs a series of essential technologies that will mark the future and, of course, the success of the often questioned metaverse. This is the opinion of Marty Resnick, analyst vice president at Gartner: “Metaverses are not a specific group of technologies, but rather they are made up of multiple technologies at the same time.” And at the bottom of the matter: the applicability and actual usability of the metaverse. Where much of the value of this will ultimately reside in the commercial applications that will make it a success or not. Applications that can include virtual meetings, training sessions, new product designs and virtual visits, among many other options.

The essential technologies for the metaverse

Artificial intelligence

The AI ​​performs an essential role in the development of bots and chatbots, although according to the consulting firm BCG, only 10% of companies report significant benefits of AI in their implementations. AI could create metaverse avatars or enhance the characteristics of digital humans to make them more realistic, for example.

3D Modeling and reconstruction

3D reconstruction captures the shape and appearance of real objects and will bring the metaverse to life consolidating itself as one of the essential technologies for its success. Additionally, it includes tools such as 3D modeling to provide a three-dimensional framework and prototype of a specific process or product. According to a report by SkyQuest Technology Consulting, the 3D reconstruction technology market will double in the next few years to approximately $2 billion in 202

internet of things

Integrating the metaverse and the IoT can open the way to new opportunities for industry and individual needs The IoT would allow virtual spaces to seamlessly access and interact with the real world, while the metaverse would provide the 3D user interface for the IoT device cluster.

Brain-computer interfaces

The World Economic Forum (WEF) itself includes brain-computer interfaces or BCIs on his list of technologies that will shape the metaverse. In fact, the Forum itself believes that this is perhaps the most far-reaching vision for the metaverse. A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that establishes direct communication between the brain and a computer. In it, the electrical activity that is produced when neurons fire to communicate with each other is processed and decoded into commands that are sent to a device to carry out a desired action.

extended reality

AR, VR and MR technologies will transform the way we businesses visualize and use data by moving from 2D to 3D for more realistic experiences and digital screens that are better synchronized with movements. In fact, extended reality (XR) is already being used, for example in Microsoft’s HoloLens, allowing users to experience 3D holographic images as if they were part of their environment.

Spatial and edge computing

Spatial computing combines AR, VR and MR to interact with the real world, so you can provide the fast response time to user actions that mimic reality and keep users immersed in the metaverse.

block chain

Blockchain could play a role in decentralizing the metaverse to avoid delays or single points of failure. The debate centers on how technology can be used to secure digital content and data in the metaverse.

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