These are the advantages of having a smart microwave with WiFi

Why is a smart microwave useful?

Microwaves are widely used appliances in our day to day. They are devices to quickly heat food, coffee, tea… But sometimes it is not easy exactly set the time. Surely more than once you have had to put it a little more or, in the opposite case, you have gone too far and the food or drink is too hot.

This can especially happen if, for example, you are going to defrost a plate of food. That’s where having a smart microwave comes in, which is capable of manage time better of operation. This means that you will adjust how much you need to heat a meal, for example. If you put something to heat up for 5 minutes to defrost it and before that time it is ready, it will notify you.

In addition, a microwave with Wi-Fi you can control from mobile and even through voice commands. There are some models that are compatible with virtual assistants like Alexa, so you can turn it on or off while you do other things in the kitchen or even ask questions about how much time it has left, for example.

Some models can even scan the barcode of a product. That way, if you put a package of food in to defrost or heat, you’ll know exactly how long and at what temperature to put it in. In this way, you will be able to optimize the time that it is going to be on and you will not have to put it on again or go over temperature.

Saving time and light

Ok, maybe he saving in time not be something so palpable. At the end of the day, a microwave is a device for heating food or drinks quickly. It does not work for a long time, although it could prevent you from having to be aware of when a food is defrosting and having to put it on 2 or 3 times, for example.

But it is more obvious energy saving. At the end of the day, it is a smart appliance that we can optimize better. It will put the exact time to heat food or coffee. If we put it on manually, it is more likely that we will overdo it or that we will have to put it on again and that will mean more consumption.

Therefore, as you can see, having a smart microwave with Wi-Fi has advantages. You will be able to control it from your mobile, through voice commands and you can even adjust the time so that the food does not get too hot or the temperature of the coffee falls short. You will also be able to create programs to carry out processes and learn how to act. It is one more home automation device that you can take into account.

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