
These are the mistakes you make with your radiators and trigger consumption

Common mistakes with radiators

One of the options for heating a home in winter is to have radiators. Although it is not something cheap, since they are devices that consume a lot, it is a comfortable and fast way to increase the temperature. But if we make mistakes, that expense can be much higher and should be avoided.

leave all on

A first mistake is to leave all the radiators in the house on. Surely you don’t need them all to be working, since there may be a room that you do not use normally and therefore you do not need it to maintain a certain temperature. You can always turn them off manually those that interest you.

Of course, if you are going to turn off a radiator it is important that that room is closed correctly. Otherwise, cold air could enter the rest of the house and cause the other radiators to waste energy and you cannot save.

Not regulating the temperature in each

Another factor to take into account is that it is a good idea regulate each radiator depending on what you need. For example, you do not need the same temperature in the bathroom as in a corridor or a room where you hardly enter. Therefore, you do not need to have the whole house at the same temperature and, without turning it off, you can reduce the temperature by some.

This will also help you spend less and save on the bill each month. You will be able to control the temperature of each radiator and lower or raise it when necessary.

Regulate the temperature of the radiators to save

Do not bleed air

It is also a mistake to leave the radiators without bleeding the air. It is something necessary to avoid spending more than necessary. If you leave the air, they are going to need more resources to heat. They may even not work well and never reach a good temperature if they have a lot of air accumulated in the pipe.

Our advice is that before putting the radiators in winter, you purge them. You can also do it again a couple of months later, but at least the first time you put them each year. That will help you save and achieve good performance.

Continuously turning radiators on and off

Maybe with the intention of saving you decide turning radiators on and off from time to time. For example, in a room where you are going to be away for a while or even in the whole house. This might seem like a savings method, but it can mean the opposite and cause you to spend more.

When you turn off a radiator, the temperature starts to drop. Therefore, when returning to the previous temperature, it will need to consume resources. That will make you spend more than always maintaining a stable temperature. Logically, if you are going to be away from home for a long time, then it is advisable to turn off the heating; but not if you’re only going out for half an hour.

cover ups

neither should you cover radiators. It is not a good idea to put clothes on top to dry or have a piece of furniture, armchair or whatever in front of it. This will cause them to not act correctly, they will consume more and it can even become a problem that could damage the radiators.

Avoid covering them and our advice is that they are in a free area, from where they can emit heat correctly. This way you will make the most of these devices and avoid consuming more than necessary.

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