This Artificial Intelligence tells you how others see you on the Internet

The range of possibilities and utilities currently offered by some of the current platforms based on Artificial intelligence, is getting bigger. In these lines we are going to talk about an interesting alternative that you can use for free and that you will find very interesting.

Everything related to AI has been growing exponentially in recent months. In fact, there are many companies that are entering this growing market by offering their own platforms and projects. Here we find more or less recognized technology companies that are trying to gain a foothold in this sector. A good part of the services and applications focused on Artificial Intelligence try to make our lives easier in one way or another.

Hence we can generate texts almost automatically, comments from social networks, images, conversations, online searches, and much more. Precisely for all this, we are going to talk about a curious AI platform that you will surely be interested in taking a look at. We tell you all this because it is an Artificial Intelligence that is basically in charge of creating a profile of how others see us online. In this way we can get an idea of ​​the image that we are transmitting on the Internet to our followers and contacts.

Specifically, we are referring to the AI ​​called Abbrevia, which is also worth knowing that it is a national project. This means that if for one reason or another we are interested in knowing how our followers see us online, we should make use of this platform. It is worth mentioning that this is something that is achieved from our publications in the Twitter social network.

Abbrevia, the AI ​​that creates your online profile

In addition, other factors come into play here that the platform we are talking about also takes into account and analyzes thanks to its internal technology. And it is that the way of interacting with our followers on the blue bird social network and the comments on our tweets are also taken into account. To give us an idea, what the AI does is read all our posts on the social network and analyzes them to create a profile of how the rest see us.

To access the official website of the IA application that we are talking about here, abbreviates, we only have to enter the username of the Twitter account. Obviously it is not difficult to imagine that in addition to analyzing our profile, we can do the same with any of the other users who use the social network. So we can also see first-hand the image they are showing based on their online publications.

Once we have entered the name of the profile as such, all we have to do is click on the button Get description for Artificial Intelligence to get going. After a few seconds we will obtain the desired result after the automatic analysis that is carried out. In addition, it is worth knowing that we have the possibility of receiving this analysis of the profile both in Spanish like in English.

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