This is how Google tells you if your data is on the Dark Web

The Dark Web It is the part of the Internet where our personal data or passwords can end up when they are stolen. It is where cybercriminals trade to sell stolen accounts, malware and any illegal content. But is there a way to know if our data has ended up here? We are going to tell you how Google shows you this information. That can help you avoid problems, since you could take steps as soon as possible to reverse the situation.

For example, they could steal your Netflix or Spotify account and sell them on the Dark Web. The same with bank cards, email accounts or social networks. All of this can cause your security and privacy to be compromised and can even impersonate your identity and attack third parties.

Google One Dark Web Report

This option from the search giant is called Google One Dark Web Report. This is a tool that monitors the dark web, where your stolen personal data can end up. This way, it can detect if your email address is there, as well as other personal information. You will not have to access the Dark Web yourself, something that is not easy for users who do not have the necessary knowledge.

Of course, it is important to mention that, at least for the moment, this solution is only available for Google One members. If they were to detect that any personal data was in this hidden part of the Internet, you would receive an alert. This can be important to act as soon as possible and change passwords or block bank cards, for example.

Google One Dark Web Report partners with a third-party provider that has access to databases containing stolen data and content in general from the Dark Web. When performing an analysis, it will compare your personal information with that which appears on the Dark Web and thus be able to detect if you have been a victim.

This alert is quite complete, since it will inform exactly where the information has been found. This will help you have more information and be able to act accordingly. It will also give you recommendations on how to act correctly.

Prevent your data from being stolen

The most important thing of all, beyond knowing whether or not your data is on the Dark Web, is being able to prevent this from happening. For this, it is essential to have good security. That means protecting your passwords and any accounts you use online. The goal is to prevent your profiles from being stolen.

The passwords They must be strong and difficult to break. A good key is one that has letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and other special symbols. Only then can you prevent them from finding out easily. Additionally, it must be unique for each account you use. Don’t make the mistake of using the same password in multiple places.

Besides, avoid making mistakes on the Internet is essential so that your data does not end up on the Dark Web. Be careful when logging in, as it could be a Phishing attack. Install only official applications and do not share data through social networks or any platform where they may be exposed.

Furthermore, it is important protect your devices. You can use a good antivirus to detect threats. Carrying out a periodic review is essential to avoid falling into the trap and having a virus sneak in. Always inform yourself before installing security software to avoid problems. Keep in mind that there are search engines for hackers.

As you can see, you can know if your data is on the Dark Web thanks to Google. It is one more option to maintain your security and not have problems. The objective is to maintain absolute protection at all times, so that they do not enter your accounts or steal passwords.

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