This super software can speed up your Mac up to 3 times (-65%)

Like all electronic devices, Macs tend to slow down over time. You can, however, speed them up and extend their lifespan if you use effective (and secure) optimization software. Intego is the best example for this.

Among the tools that clean and speed up a Mac reliably and securely, there are two that come up time and time again: MacPaw’s CleanMyMac and Intego’s Washing Machine. The latter is known to be a great specialist in cybersecurity on Mac, he focuses exclusively on Apple computers.

For a few days, Intego is displaying an irresistible discount on its Mac cleanup tool. From a value for money point of view, it stands out very clearly from its rival with this offer. In this case, Intego offers a “lifetime” license for only 19.99 euros. When you know that the license is sold annually at 39.99 euros per year at CleanMyMac, the choice is quickly made.

Discover the Washing Machine

Discover CleanMyMac

In detail, a Mac cleaning tool like Intego or MacPaw can optimize Mac disk space. Some claim they can do it by hand, but sorting is much more complicated than that. Intego and MacPaw will come to scan all the documents and identify those that no longer have any reason to be on the machine.

Very quickly, they will identify obsolete files (like those used to install programs), useless translation files, outdated iCloud backups and many other duplicate documents. In a few clicks, you will be able to delete them (always with your agreement) and succeed in freeing up some precious gigabytes of space on your machine.

An effective tool to speed up your Mac

By doing a major cleaning on a regular basis, you will be able to boost the performance of the Mac. This lets you avoid the slowdown that happens over time and files piling up. If your Mac shows signs of slowness, and even if it is still like new, it is better to equip yourself with such a solution very quickly.

There’s no point running the Intego Washing Machine every day. It must be used on an ad hoc basis, once a quarter for example, to clean the disk. This is precisely why this lifetime license is interesting: it does not rush you to use the software in the short term. Once you’ve purchased the software, it’s yours for the long haul.

It’s a real surprise to see this cleaning software being sold for lifetime use. This is all the more surprising since Intego has not accustomed us to such a license format. Indeed, all its other software is sold under the form of a license sold by the year. This is the case of its popular antivirus VirusBarrier or its Mac Premium Bundle security suite.

The latter contains no less than 4 software that are very complementary. Beyond the speed of your Mac, there is also the threat of hacks to consider. They can also slow down your machine (using resources without your knowledge), which should not be overlooked. We would therefore tend to recommend this suite, which is priced at 29.99 euros per year instead of 84.99 euros currently.

To discover the two software, it’s here:

Discover the Intego bundle

Discover the Washing Machine

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