This updated Windows 95 can be run on your PC with just two clicks

The launch of Windows 95 was a turning point in terms of design and features that paved the way to the latest version currently available, such as the taskbar, the Start button, to name a few examples in terms of design, since that, inside, there were many more changes.

If we need to interact with this operating system to consult or simply browse how Windows has evolved through history, regardless of Windows 3.11, the developer Felix Reiseberg offers an application that allows us to access Windows 95 without installing itin the form of an application so it is only necessary to make 2 clicks on the application button to return to the past.

This application, based on Electron (specifically in version 21) includes some classic games of the time such as Doom or Wolfenstein 3D, it takes up very little space and, moreover, it is not only available for Windows, but we can also find it on application form for macOS and linux since the programming language used is JavaScript, so it is more than likely that during its use we will encounter some other problem when opening applications or starting the application, a problem that is easily solved by restarting the computer .

This version of Windows 95 is currently in version 3.1.1, a version that fixed many of the errors that the application had in previous versions, so it is now much more stable, within the instability offered by JavaScript, everything is what to say

How does it work

Once we have downloaded the application for the operating system that we use, we just have to click on the downloaded file and wait for the operating system to load. Once opened, the mouse control becomes within the application. If we want to control our equipment, we just have to click on the escape key.

From the main screen we can access almost the same applications as Windows 95 offered us at that time, a very limited number. In addition, it includes a folder on the desktop where we have access to various games from the time that run without problems on the computer. If we plan to access the Internet from this application, we have bad news, since this function is not available.

The main reason for the lack of Internet connection is because Internet Explorer it is not compatible none of the security protocols that are currently implemented in most web pages, so we will not be able to access any.

If you want to try this version of Windows or recall that era of computing, you can do so through this application available for Windows in 32-bit and 64-bit versions, for macOS for Intel and ARM processors, and for Linux. If you want to know more information about this project, you can do it directly from the GitHub website of its creator, Felix Rieseberg.

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