Up to 40 minutes to boot Windows 11?

If you have ever complained that Windows 11 startup is not as fast as you would like, I must tell you that until the middle of this week there were some people who were much, much worse off than you. And I’m not exaggerating, what’s more, I’m sure that if you try to put yourself in the shoes of those people, the next time you start up your PC you’ll have the feeling of being at the controls of a Formula-1 car that’s just been assembled for you.

Now, it is necessary to specify that we are talking about a very, very particular type of user, not defined by their age, their sex, their ethnic group or their political and sports affiliation. No, the differential factor in this case it has to do with work obligations. And it is that if we review the list of improvements of the Microsoft update KB5012643 for Windows 11, among other novelties we find one that leaves us somewhat surprised:

«Fixes an issue where certain POS terminals experience occasional delays in OS startup during reboot of up to 40 minutes.»

Yes, you read correctly and it is not a transcription error. Although until now this is something that had not been publicly revealed, it seems that with certain combinations of software and hardware specific to this type of device, the configuration of Windows 11 posed some type of problem that, as an unexpected consequence, and also quite insufferable for users. vendors, resulted in terribly slow Windows 11 startups and restarts.

I recognize that, after reading about these boot times, other times have come to mind, specifically those of Windows installations with a multitude of additional elements that were loaded at startup on mechanical hard drives with moderate performance and connected via PATA interfaces. I still remember turning on the PC and taking advantage of that period of time to go make a coffee, smoke a cigarette while chatting with someone, etc.

And there is no doubt that the first arrival of SSDs has meant a spectacular change in this regard. I remember perfectly when I tried, for the first time, a Mac with Fusion Drive, a mixed drive format (a mix of mechanical disk and SSD memory) intelligently managed by macOS (then Mac OS X). The operating system and boot items were stored on the SSD and booting was supersonic.

Windows 11, like its predecessor, they are quite efficient operating systems And when it comes to boot speed compared to macOS, my personal experience is that they don’t have to say anything to each other, because in both cases the boots are very fast. It remains for me to be able to compare, in this respect, Windows 11 with some Linux distribution, since I have not used Ubuntu and Debian for some time (they were my favorites) and my memories are not entirely clear in that regard.

Be that as it may, both the cause of this Windows 11 problem, fortunately already resolved, and the cause of this Windows 11 problem attract attention and generate a lot of curiosity. imagine how the businesses affected by this problem have lived with the same problem. Because it’s one thing to be able to prepare a coffee in the time it takes to boot up your PC, it’s quite another to have time to cook and bake some cookies to go with it.

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