What do I do if my player throws a format error when watching a video

When we have to watch a video with a movie or chapter of our favorite series, we use the corresponding multimedia player. Here we find a multitude of programs to use as Kodi, VLC, Movies & TV, MPC-HC, and many more.

Over time, these applications have spread to most of our computers, both desktop and mobile. In this way, its own developers have been in charge of adding new functions that improve the software experience. It is worth mentioning that as a general rule here we find very stable and efficient applications when it comes to play all kinds of content.

If we take into consideration the widespread use that files for both videos and music have right now, we will understand the importance of these solutions. Despite all the work that their developers put into improving them, this does not mean that they are perfect programs, far from it. One of the main reasons for all this is that they have to deal with a multitude of file types, both in format, as in size and content.

One of the most feared situations in this same sense is that the multimedia player program itself launches a format related error when uploading a video. This means that for whatever reason the software is not able to figure out what we want to load and reproduce. The truth is that in current players we should not have this type of problem with video formats in most cases, but sometimes they do happen. Therefore, below, we will show you how to act if necessary.

Fix a format error when loading a content

There are several aspects that the developers of this type of program try to take care of as much as possible. One of them is the project stability, since there is no use for a player that crashes or closes from time to time. In addition, they include certain functions that try to improve our user experience. On the other hand, one of the sections that are most cared for here is that related to compatibility with all kinds of formats, both audio and video.

It is for all this that, if we find ourselves in this situation, the first step we must take is to update the program to its latest version. Some of the newer formats may not yet be supported in older versions of the software. Therefore, your update to the latest version should fix this problem with the error sent. In addition, here we must take into consideration that when we update the program, the codecs supported by it are also generally updated, which will be very helpful in this situation.

We should do something similar with the operating system in which we have the multimedia player installed. In this way the same you will also receive the latest codecs natively so that they can be reproduced without any problem. In the event that we see that this is not solved with the corresponding updates, we have to make a more radical decision. This could go through the search for a similar software solution but more compatible that can satisfy our needs in this regard.

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