WhatsApp copies Apple

Meta, Mark Zuckerberg’s company that brings together the conglomerate of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, is better known for its security vulnerabilities than for updating its applications. However, it has recently included a novelty that is a clear tribute to a function that Apple recently implemented on its iPhone and iPad. Specifically, we refer to Picture-in-Picture and which is available to iOS users on WhatsApp.

Picture in Picture on WhatsApp

The Picture-in-Picture or PIP function (image on image) is a function that provides great versatility and productivity while you are writing a project, since you can have several applications open at the same time, so it makes it easy to move between them and see everything on the screen quickly.

Based on the technology developed by Apple, WhatsApp has applied it to its app, specifically, its operation is based on the fact that when you are in a video call you can reduce it to a small screen It will be located at the top of the application that you change.

To access this function, you must download the latest whatsapp update on ios (23.3.77), although it is not fully functional yet. On the other hand, it seems strange to start implementing this novelty in the iOS devices, especially because the Apple and Meta relations They are not going through their best moment due to privacy scandals, which have been occurring in recent years. However, everything has an explanation and in this case, it is that there is a lower percentage of iOS devices than Android in the world market, so its implementation in this group will serve to debug errors and improve the user experience. Besides that, the implementation of this function is based on the API that iOS has. Once the period of initial analysis and correction of errors has concluded, the CEO of Meta has stated that it will be available on all Android devices.

The advantages of being able to use this option are very good, because we can be together with a co-worker and be jotting down or taking notes of the directions or data they provide from your task or productivity app.

Other WhatsApp news

The arrival of PIP (Picture-in-Picture) is not the only whatsapp update, but also includes other news such as the possibility of sending subtitles when sending documents, support for longer descriptions and themes for groups, introduction of personalized avatars that you can use in the profile as well as the possibility of being able to share states with a private audience, react to the status of someone with an emoji and record voice statuses.

By way of conclusion, from the writing team of La Manzana Mordida, we believe that it is a important step the integration of this mode in WhatsApp video calls, because, despite being a copy of Apple’s option, it is a substantial improvement to the way we communicate through the world’s largest instant messaging platform.

Leave us in the comments if you use the Picture-in-Picture mode on the iPhone and if you are going to use it on WhatsApp.

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