When you should disconnect your VPN to avoid problems

Having a VPN is something common and at the same time interesting in many circumstances. However, we can also have problems browsing the Internet at certain times, such as using certain applications. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk about when should you disconnect the VPN and not have problems browsing the Internet and see that the connection stops working correctly.

Situations in which to turn off the VPN

Turn on and off the vpn It’s as simple as going to the application and clicking connect or disconnect. We are going to take just a few seconds and the difference between browsing through this type of service or not can be important. If you are on a public network that could be dangerous, of course you should always have it on. But sometimes you may be in a safe place and it is better to turn it off.

Watch streaming videos

An example is when playing streaming videos. If, for example, you are going to watch YouTube, Netflix or any similar platform and the videos are also in maximum quality, it may be best to turn off the VPN. This type of online service will need a good bandwidth and if the connection is not going well, problems appear.

It is a fact that when browsing with a VPN the connection will be worse. In the case of videos, they can start to cut and you would be forced to have to play them in a lower quality so that this problem does not occur.

download some file

Another example of when it is convenient to turn off the VPN to avoid problems is when download a file from the internet. As long as you are on a reliable network, if you are going to download a large file, such as a Linux distribution, it is important that the connection works as well as possible and that it does not take too long.

If you disconnect the VPN you will achieve an improvement in Internet speed and, therefore, those files will be downloaded sooner. This may be more necessary especially when you use applications to download a lot of content and you will need the connection to work as well as possible so that there are no cuts.

Upload content to the cloud

Something similar happens when you use the cloud to host content. For example, when you go to create a mobile backup, which can upload many files at once, perhaps if you are connected to a VPN, this process is very slow or there are even problems and it is cut off before it is finished.

In this case, it may also be necessary to disconnect the VPN in order to achieve better speed and reduce the risk of problems. You can reconnect it when the process is finished.

Access content from your country

One more reason related to possible restrictions is when you try to access content that is only available in your country. If you connect to a VPN that uses servers from somewhere else, those services that only work in your country might be blocked from accessing them.

Therefore, if you disconnect and use the Internet connection directly, you will avoid problems. You could visit websites or use programs that may be restricted beyond the country in which you are located.

In short, these are some reasons why it might be interesting for you to disconnect the VPN. Of course, always keep in mind that you should do it if the conditions are right and you are not using a public Wi-Fi network, for example. Also, sometimes the VPN can be insecure and should not be used.

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