When you try this button in Chrome you won’t be able to live without it

It is precisely for this reason that its top managers do not stop developing and launching new functions and improving existing ones in their programs. However, on certain occasions we can find certain functionalities that we would like to be there but that are not taken into consideration, at least for now. That is precisely where the popular ones come into play. extensions that we add to these programs to increase their versatility.

This is the case that we will talk about below in the form of a button that surely many of you have missed on many occasions. Surely most of you have experienced in many situations, web pages in which you have to scroll intensely both up and down. Many of the current websites require a long scroll to be able to consult all its content.

Obviously in the same way, in most cases we will need to return to the top of the web, which can be somewhat annoying. That is precisely why we are going to show you how you can obtain a scroll button that will quickly place you at the beginning or end of the web. This is something that we can achieve in the aforementioned Google browser, as we will show you below.

It is true that some pages of this type include keyboard shortcuts or their own buttons to place us directly at the top.

Scroll to the top of any website instantly

However, not all websites incorporate these practical buttons that we are talking about. At the same time we must know that as a general rule browsers do not include this button, but we can have it, as we will see below. To do this we are going to use a useful extension that we can add to Google Chrome and thus have that button available at all times and be able to move much more quickly through the websites visited.

Specifically, we are going to focus on these lines in the extension called Scroll to Top, a plugin that adds a customizable button in the lower right corner of the browser. As you can imagine, its main objective is to make us jump directly to the top or bottom of any web page.

All we have to do to taste this little piece of additional software for Chrome, it is to install it from the link that we offer you. At that moment, an arrow-shaped icon will be located at the bottom right of the page. We can click on it to jump to the bottom of the page. In the same way, when we are at the bottom of a website, we can press it again, since it will have become an upward arrow to return to the top.

If we hover over the button, we see its additional control options. For example, we will have the possibility to scroll up and down incrementally.

On the other hand, if we access the configuration page of the extension, we find customization options. Here we can choose another iconchange its size, or placement.

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