Why antivirus is not enough to prevent ransomware

Avoiding ransomware requires more than an antivirus

The antivirus They are used to detect a computer security threat and be able to eliminate it. They can act before they enter the system, but also once you have already downloaded a file or installed an insecure application and need to delete them. But in the case of ransomware this is not so simple.

It is true that a good antivirus can help you avoid ransomware, but keep in mind that by itself it is not always enough. It will not prevent you from entering a dangerous page, downloading a file that may contain this ransomware or falling into a trap through social networks. Although it can launch a warning if it detects something strange, it will not always be enough.

One of the reasons is that there are constantly new versions of ransomware who take advantage of possible vulnerabilities or find a way to bypass antivirus protection. This means that it can take a while for that security program you have installed to actually detect the ransomware, so it may be too late.

Also, once the ransomware has acted, an antivirus will not be able to do much. You will need a tool to decrypt the files and not all versions of this type of security threat exist. Therefore, even if you have a good antivirus, it may not protect you from ransomware.

Tips to improve protection

So what should you do to avoid ransomware and stay protected? It will be essential to have All updated. This will allow you to correct possible vulnerabilities that may exist in a system and that may be the gateway for a cybercriminal to steal data or sneak ransomware.

It is also essential download files from trusted sources and install only official applications, downloaded from secure sources such as the program’s own website or using stores such as Google Play. This will give you more guarantees that an application is reliable.

Another essential point to protect yourself from ransomware is not make mistakes. For example, you should not download any file that comes to you by e-mail without knowing if it has been sent by a legitimate user or if it is a trap. You should also not click on a link without assurances that there is no problem.

You should keep in mind that in most ransomware attacks and the like, hackers are going to need you to commit some mistake. They need you to click something, download some file, or send some kind of data. Therefore, avoiding mistakes and keeping common sense is the best protection against ransomware.

In short, as you can see, an antivirus is not enough to be protected against ransomware. You need to always have the latest updates, download programs only from trusted sites and, of course, keep common sense and not make mistakes.

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