For keep safe you can use antivirus, firewalls, have the system updated… But you can also use additional programs and services. And yes, the cloud It can be very useful for maintaining security and preventing passwords or personal data from being stolen. We are going to explain in which situations it is very useful and how you can take advantage of it in your day to day to avoid computer attacks.
Why the cloud helps you in computer security
There are many cloud services, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. In general terms they are similar. Basically you sign up, create an account and you can upload content and you have it there available. Very useful for creating backup copies, sharing files or even improving your own security on the network.
You can analyze files
The first thing you can do is use the cloud to analyze files. A clear example is Google Drive, which has an integrated antivirus to detect possible threats. The objective is to scan the documents that you upload to that platform and thus notify you in case there is something dangerous.
If you have doubts about whether a specific file may be dangerous, you will be able to scan it without problems. As simple as uploading it to the platform and see if it detects anything strange. It should never be a substitute for an antivirus itself, but as another tool to improve security.
Upload documents for public teams
If you need to go to a store to print something, for example, the usual thing is to take a flash drive with the file and access it from that public PC. The problem is that this has its risks, since it could get infected usb stick with some virus and then end up on your home computer without you noticing.
The cloud can help you prevent this from happening. In what way is it useful? What you can do is upload the files to the cloud and when you have to go to a public computer, you simply enter your account and download them. You will not need to use a physical device and put it in danger.
Risk-free file sharing
Something similar happens when you go to share files with another person. You can use a flash drive or a hard drive and copy the files to your computer. But just like in the previous case, it could contain malware and end up with your computer being infected as well. You can avoid it if you use a cloud service.
What you can do is upload the content to the cloud and share it with other people safely. They will only have to download the content and that’s it. It will not be necessary to use any physical device. You can even use the virtual private cloud.
Alternative to your email to save files
One more case in which you can use the cloud to improve your security is by using it as an alternative to email. Very useful for saving files that you have to use at some point, especially on public computers where there may be a risk of your password being stolen, and use the cloud instead of email.
With this you get to protect your email address. You will avoid exposing your email more than necessary. You will use the cloud as a shield, simply to transfer those files to another computer without risk.
As you can see, using the cloud can also be useful to protect your security. It is important in order to avoid problems that could put your passwords or personal data at risk. You have many options available on the Internet.