why you can pay more or less on your bill

To save on the electricity bill, something essential is to understand our rate. This will help us to know at all times what we have contracted, how much we are paying and how we could pay less if we make some adjustments. In this article we are going to talk about the peak and valley power. We are going to explain what it consists of and why you could pay less each month if you adjust it correctly.

What is peak and valley power

if you look at electricity bill, you will see a section in which the peak and valley invoice that you have contracted appears. Generally people tend to have exactly the same thing. For example 5 kW. But you could also have a peak amount and a different one in the valley. You will be able to see all of this in any bill you have.

But what difference is there? Power is measured in kW and it’s basically what’s going to allow you to connect things to electricity. If you have a low power, such as 3 kW, you could have problems if you connect the oven, a radiator and other devices that consume a lot. You could suffer electrical cuts. On the other hand, if the power is greater, you will have more margin to be able to connect things.

The peak power It is from Monday to Friday from 8 in the morning to 12 at night. The hours in which more energy is consumed are considered. It is when there are more industries operating, more companies in their day to day and people in general at home also spend more. Instead, the valley power It is from 12 at night to 8 in the morning and also 24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays or holidays.

Why you could save on the bill

Now why would you pay less if you adjust the power peak and valley? On your bill you will see an amount for each of these values. The higher the power, the more you will pay on your bill per month. In fact, it is a fixed amount that is independent of what you consume. If you analyze your bill, you will see that peak power is much more expensive than valley power. In fact, in the total for the month you will see that the difference is very large.

If you like save on bill, something you can do is adjust the power. Now, perhaps your problem is that sometimes you use several electrical appliances at the same time and you don’t want there to be cuts. What can you do? What you could do is lower the peak power as much as you can, which is the most expensive, but keep the valley power.

In this way, you can take advantage of daylight hours or Saturdays and Sundays to use devices that may need more power. For example, put the dishwasher, washing machine, etc. The idea is to have a lower peak power and pay much less on the bill each month, while the valley power matters less to us as it is much cheaper. You can even take advantage of home automation, as long as you have good Wi-Fi repeaters to connect, and automate tasks.

Therefore, as you can see, you can save on the bill each month if you adjust the power. But you can take advantage of the fact that valley power is much cheaper and focus on trying to reduce peak power and thus pay less.

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