You should never use a Bluetooth mouse to play games, and here’s why

The problem comes from the type of mouse that we use, since a mouse connected wirelessly is not the same as one that has a cable. We all know which one is more comfortable, but there is a difference that can be key if you are a gamer.

Which is better?

Obviously this will depend on the type of user you are. As we mentioned, using the mouse to play amateurly is not the same as using it professionally or not using it for games at all. This will greatly change the type of mouse to choose.

If you are a standard user who uses the peripheral to watch videos on YouTube, play a simple video game or browse the net, the best mouse you can choose is a wireless Bluetooth mouse, for its convenience when it comes to not using cables. However, if you are a professional gamer or at least aspire to be, using a wireless mouse can make you lose many games.

What is the reason? Well, basically the latency. We all know that in games like Counter Strike or LOL, a millisecond up or down can give you a death, and therefore, a game.

When you use a Bluetooth mouse, its reaction speed, and therefore its latency, is higher than if we have it connected by cable. Think that the waves go slower through the air than through a direct connection.

Now, is the difference so important? It will depend on the type of mouse and quality you choose, but as a general rule, a standard connected by cable offers us a delay of 1ms while one through a wireless connection is around 1.3ms, 30% more. Something that for a recreational player can be insignificant but that can make the difference between winning more or less games for someone who takes the game more seriously.

In any case, this is a simple piece of information for you to take into account why there may be a difference between one user or another, but we could also talk about your internet connection, your processor, graphics, etc. In the end, the important thing is that you have a good time playing, and if your objective is not to make a living from it, that you use the device with which you feel most comfortable.

Every time the evolution of Bluetooth is greater, near version 6.0 the improvement in latency is amazing, and it is likely that soon the speed between both formats will be practically the same, so get used to playing with what you want and Do not think that by reading this you will lose more games if you do not change your mouse.

It must be taken into account that there are professional mice with a latency practically equal to one connected by cable, however, if you are a user who makes a living from it, the little delay will not compensate you, because you are looking for the best, and if you are a user I don’t think paying hundreds of euros for a simple mouse is your goal either.

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