Your PS5 will not die if you use it vertically

Rumors and claims that encompass disasters and technical problems in the world of gadgets are usually the ones that spread the most among users. The laptop always plugged in, having many applications open, the router always on… many popular legends remain over time, and it seems that now there is one that wants to penetrate the public, and it is related to PS5.

Is the PS5 damaged if we place it vertically?

A new massive message has begun to spread among the owners of a PS5. Apparently, evil tongues say that if you play with your console holding it upright, the coolant from the processor could leak out of the case and stain the console’s motherboard, causing poor APU cooling and causing temperature issues that could lead to processor death.

This, which sounds catastrophic and tremendously dramatic, it’s not something that’s going to happen. Nevertheless, may be the case under certain conditions. But let’s go in parts.

Your brand new PS5 isn’t going to stop working just by placing it vertically. That has to be clear to you. If so, we would be talking about a very serious design error that would affect all consoles in the world, especially since the console’s design is basically vertical, although it allows it to be placed horizontally thanks to the base that is included in the box.

Only if it’s been tampered with

A different matter is if the console has been tampered with previously. As you surely know, the PlayStation 5 processor has a layer of liquid metal that is in charge of dissipating the heat generated by the APU and that the giant heatsink that mounts the console is in charge of taking the heat generated to the outside.

Well, if the console has been repaired and this area of ​​the processor has been tampered with, it is possible that the liquid material has been erroneously placed, including more than necessary. This is obviously counterproductive, since this material is conductive, so any leak can cause serious electrical problems. If there is a bad seal in the placement of the heatsink plate or if too much liquid material has been included, being vertical, the liquid would fall by gravity until it poured directly into the console plate.

Who has generated the false rumor?

Everything is born in a video of the youtuber TheCod3r, who published a recording repairing a PS5 who suffered from this liquid metal seepage problem. The clue is that console was tampered with before, and it wasn’t a shiny new unit, however, on the web Wololo They understood that this was a generic problem that affected all consoles from the factory, and from there the rumor spread.

So no, your console is not going to die from being placed vertically, the only detail that you should take into account is that, if a technical service manipulates its interioryou must respect the amounts of liquid metal to avoid overflows, since many cases of liquid material overflow are appearing, inevitably affecting nearby components.

Font: wololo

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