3 online courses with guaranteed job

Face-to-face training courses are a thing of the past. It is becoming more and more common to see how most companies organize distance courses, distance courses that not only allow them to reach a greater number of people, including other countries, but also allow them to considerably reduce the price. of the courses to adapt them to a greater number of potential clients and, incidentally, eliminate the expense associated with staying in the city where it is carried out. If you are looking for online courses to change jobs, improve the conditions of the current one or simply find a new one, we invite you to take a look at the ones we offer.

The first thing we must bear in mind is that the courses we are talking about below They are not courses that last a few hours or weeks. In some cases it is necessary to have knowledge of the subject and it is always necessary to dedicate all the time we have available to it.

Online courses with guaranteed job opportunities

Sometimes we not only have to take one course but several to complement what we have learned. Currently, the sectors that have the most job opportunities and quickly are the following.

Mobile Application Development

Mobile devices are in everyone’s pockets. There are people who make more or less use of the mobile, but there you have it. If we take into account that the mobile phone has become a necessity to be in communication, and that, in addition, it allows the installation of any type of application to cover all types of needs, focus our activity on programming and creation of applications for mobile devices You have a guaranteed job opening. If we are imaginative, we do not need to work for any company since we can work independently creating innovative applications or games that are currently not available.

Microsoft Certification

Microsoft makes available to anyone who wants to expand their resume, a series of certifications that we can obtain online from home, which will allow us to earn many points compared to other candidates for the same job. With a Microsoft certificate, work is almost 100% guaranteed. In addition, you earn an average of 16,000 euros more per year for doing the same job while holding a Microsoft certification.

Microsoft makes available to us the possibility of obtaining certificates about our knowledge as an application developer, system administrator, data scientist and engineer, security and DevOps engineer, as well as as a consultant.

Online Marketing

As the internet has become one of the best ways to check prices and buy, many professionals are needed to create online marketing strategies by many companies, especially those that do not offer products with an easy outlet far from traditional channels. selling. In addition to creating and maintaining an e-commerce platform, you also need to create sales strategies in social networks, take advantage of Google’s search options in addition to using the different ad networks to reach the public that we are really looking for and that may be interested in buying certain products.

Online course platforms

platforms to perform online courses there are many, however, we are only going to highlight two because they are the best known, used and veteran in this field. On the one hand, we find Udemy, where we can find both free and paid courses of any kind and specializes mainly in the field of programming and web development, although we can also find all kinds.

Coursea is the other great platform to take online courses of all kinds, a platform that collaborates with more than 200 universities. As in Udemy, on this platform we can find both free and paid courses. On both platforms we can find any type of course related to technology, which is currently the sector with the most opportunities in the workplace.

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