5 things you should have ready

As every year, as the month of April arrives, one of the worst times of the year begins, a time in which we have to settle accounts with the Treasury so that, if we have paid more, they will return us or pay even more than what we already have. we have paid over the past year. The term to present the income is extended, as every year, until the last business day of June, that is, until the 30th.

If we want to go through this process as soon as possible, we can begin to prepare for when the submission period begins, so that, when the period opens, we have all the data ready and know all the methods available to carry out this process. .

What do we need

As every year, the first documentation that we are going to need is the documentation that Our bank has sent us with all the data related to the different checking accounts that we may have, loans, pension plans, investments and others detailing the withholdings that have been made in our accounts, the interest that we have paid, the available capital among others.

We will also need the income tax withholding certificate of our payroll, a certificate that the company in which we work must give us every year. If this is not the case, we must request it as soon as possible to avoid delays in the presentation and that we cannot present it in the expected period.

If we want to make the presentation electronically, that is, through the website of the Tax Agency, the fastest and easiest way to do it is using the electronic certificatean electronic certificate that we must begin to request if we still do not have it or the one we have is about to expire.

We can also carry out this process by accessing through a SMS that we will receive by phone, previously entering the data corresponding to the income of the previous year, so we must have it on hand if we do not have an electronic certificate and we do not have the possibility of going to the offices of this body.

submission deadlines

Although the 2022 Income submission period will begin on April 11, if we are in the habit of carrying out this process via telephonewe will have to wait until May 5, requesting an appointment.

if we want go to the facilities that the Tax Agency has distributed throughout the country, we will have to wait until June 1, requesting, once again, a prior appointment so that they can attend us and help us fill out the rent correctly.

Another date that we must take into account if we have to pay, is that the last day to carry out this operation through a direct debit ends on July 27. If that date passes, we will have to go to the offices of our bank to make the payment through our checking account.

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