A six years old co-coder who is helping her dad to make an ultimate DrollDinos NFTs collection

Virginia is a 6 years old girl who lives in Rome, Italy, she loves drawing, playing with dogs and swimming. Like all other children she has her “favorite things”. Best cake, best friend, best toy, best cartoon… her favorite animals are unfortunately extinct, we are talking about dinosaurs.

But what happen when your dad is a programmer and he raises you with an open mind to computing? Probably, that, if you are smart enough, you break the records.

Virginia’s dad, Daniele Notte, turned her passion for dinos into a technological business also aimed at redeeming family house from foreclosure. 

How did it happen?

“One day I saw my daughter drawing droll dinosaurs. They looked so funny that I thought it could have been nice to reproduce them digitally through 8bit pixel art. Hence the idea of creating a custom software, able to create a unique collection by combining features and traits that differentiate one dinosaur from the other background, body color, hat, mouth accessories and eyes).”

Virginia helped him drawing the pixel art elements of the dinos.

“As a good programmer, I passed on to my daughter the passion for technology.” Daniele says. “I started teaching her the basics of simple logic programming through educational games. Now she became a co-developer of this NFT project, and she helps me to set up the basic logic of the software, which has then generated a collection of 4055 Dinosaurs called “Droll Dinos” that live directly on ETH chain.

This means that Virginia is so far, worldwide, the youngest kid in developing NFT.

But it does not end here, the project began to receive positive acclaim, on twitter they reached almost 200 followers within 10 days, so Daniele and Virginia decided to create a real roadmap (they have already released the official t-shirt) and to design an intelligent smart contract, linking it to the DINOS token, in order to give greater relevance to the project.

Droll Dinos is growing day by day, reaching the attention and support of people all around the world. Let’s see what’s going happen in the upcoming future…and let’s see how Virginia will expand her amazing imagination and skills.

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