All the keys to Disney + Premium Access

What is Disney + Premium Access?

The first thing we want you to know is, of course, what this VIP access to the platform is about. Well, this option emerged as an alternative or solution to the premiere of films by this company throughout the pandemic that we have experienced in these years.

And it is that, from the comfort of our sofa in the living room, thanks to Premium Access we can watch movies that are in the cinema or that they have not even been released on the big screen yet.

But of course, as you may be imagining, this service is not going to be cheap, much less “free”. And is that to get this access we will have to pay 21.99 euros, in addition to our Disney + subscription, for each movie we want to watch. Of course, the moment you make this payment, you can see it again as many times as you want as long as you continue to have your subscription to the platform active.

Of course, once again, we make it clear that this payment is for a single exclusive content. That is, if there are several movies with Premium Access at the time you purchase it, paying for one of them will not give you access to the rest. It is important that you have this very clear.

How do I get Premium Access to Disney +?

If you have already decided that you want to see one of the movies on this platform with Premium Access, it is time to find out what are the steps to follow to achieve it. And the truth is that it is a tremendously simple process:

  • Access your Disney + profile.
  • Locate the content with this type of access that you want to view and enter it. Finding it is very simple, because in the miniatures of the images on the Disney platform, I owe it to you quite clearly.
  • Once here, next to the trailer’s sign, we will be able to see a button that says “watch it now” as well as information about Premium Access just below these buttons. Press it.
  • You will automatically see a new menu that is displayed. In this they tell us the price that we are going to pay to be able to view this content, in addition to the benefits and conditions of access. Then, at the bottom, the billing information that will be used for the payment appears, which is the same as that of your Disney + account. If you wish, you can use another method simply by clicking on “Change”. Now click on “Pay now” to finalize the purchase.

That’s how easy it is to get this VIP pass to watch those titles on the big screen through your living room TV, your own tablet or any of your Disney + compatible devices.

Content available with Premium Access

The films that are available with this pass change over time since, as we have mentioned, they depend on the time that is shown on the billboard. What’s more, a detail that we had not mentioned until now is that, a few months after this access begins, will become part of the Disney + catalog without additional payment (in addition to the normal subscription to the platform).

The first movie to be available with this type of Early Access was “Mulan” in its most realistic version. Then they were followed by others like “Raya and the Last Dragon” or “Luca.” However, as of this writing, the available movies are as follows:

  • Black widow: with Premium Access from July 9. As of October 6, it will be available to all people who pay only for the Disney + service.
  • Jungle cruise: with Premium Access from July 30. As of November 12, it will be available to all people who pay only for the Disney + service.

How to get the cheapest Premium Access?

At this point, we understand that not everyone can afford to pay almost 22 euros for each movie you want to see with this advance access. Although of course, think about the Benefits that this supposes:

  • You will be able to see it as many times as you want from the moment you make your payment.
  • It may cost you more than a movie ticket, but in the end you are in the comfort of your home and you can pause it at any time if you need to go to the bathroom or for a snack.
  • There will be no chance that someone will bother you by making noises or that a crying child will cause you to miss a key moment (unless it is your own).
  • Think that if you were going to go to the cinema with the whole family, it is more than likely that paying for this access will be cheaper than the entrance for everyone to enter the cinema.

Still, once again, we understand that 22 euros is a “high” payment to see a single movie. So, in order to mitigate this outlay a bit, we want to give you some tips that can lower your spending:

  • If you and your group of friends were thinking of going to the cinema to see a movie, there is always the possibility that you will share the Premium Access expense among all of you and watch it at home together. In this way, the expense may be even cheaper than going to the movies.
  • If you are one of the users who share a family account among several friends / relatives, you can always talk to them so that, together, you can buy access to the movie. So everyone can see it from their living room.

As you can see, it is simply based on thinking carefully about the price you are going to pay in the end and, of course, on using the picaresque a bit without doing anything that should not be done.

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