All the Rings of Power explained: how many there are and origin

Known as the “Blue Ring” or the “Air Ring”. Of the three elven rings of power, this is the most powerful. It was given to Elrond by Gil-galad before he left as co-general of the last alliance of men and elves against Sauron.

Among its powers, the wearer of this ring is capable of heal the wounds caused by evil. Thanks to this ring, Frodo was able to be healed after being wounded with a Morgul dagger.

Nenya, the White Ring

It’s the ring he wears Galadriel in Tolkien’s original work, and one that we have seen forged during the end of the first season of The Rings of Power. This object is used to keep evil at bayas well as to avoid the fearsome effects of pass of the time, so it allows you to keep anything without deteriorating. In fact, Nenya is the explanation of why the passage of time is different in Lothlórien, because its range of effect is quite wide. In fact, both the possessor and those around him benefit from his effects, as well as from the wisdom and understanding that emanates from him.

The only ring capable of exerting influence over the White Ring is precisely the One Ring, although only when it is close. Thanks to him, Galadriel was able to take refuge from the forces of Sauron.

Narya, the Red Ring

Also known as the “Ring of Fire”, it is a gold ring with a ruby ​​embedded. It is the ring that Gandalf wears from the moment he arrives in Middle-earth. Before coming into his hands, the Red Ring belonged to Gil-Galad, who also had the Vilya. Gil-Galad gave it to Círdan, who eventually gave it to Gandalf.

Although Gandalf is not an elf, he is the keeper of the secret fire, the last flame of light. Being the last of the Istari, they entrusted this last ring, which is speculated to be the least powerful of the three.

Among her powers, Narya allows her wearer influence people, basically to motivate them to do acts of heroism. Gandalf used it, to name one example, when he managed to free King Théoden.

Seven Rings for Dwarf Lords in Palaces of Stone

A ring was forged for each of the seven tribes or houses of dwarves. One was given to each king. Nevertheless, Sauron didn’t get away with itBecause of sheer stubbornness, the rings did not influence the dwarfs as he wanted. Hence Sauron ended up cursing them.

These seven rings were not as powerful as the ones that were given to the elves, and Tolkien did not write much about them. The dwarves who carried them they ended up falling in battleso it is assumed that they ended up stolen and destroyed by the huge fire dragons.

The only ring that seemed to survive was that of durinalthough unfortunately, this would end up returning to the clutches of Sauron.

Nine rings for mortal men doomed to die

What we understand as mortals, with a human life expectancy. They were created by Celebrimbor with the supervision of Sauron. Sauron’s goal with these nine rings was to corrupt men and get them on your side. They were given to the kings of men: three of them were Black Númenóreans and one was an Eastern Man.

Those who came to possess these rings were bearers of magical abilities, as well as being able to influence the will of other people. They also had a longer life than normal. However, after prolonged use, the wearer would eventually fade and turn into a Nazgûl.

The nine rings given to mortals had more or less the same powers. They were invisible to everyone else, but visible to the holders of other rings. These rings were destroyed as soon as the One Ring did. However, the ring that the Witch King possessed lost its powers, but was not destroyed. Those who possessed these rings fell into shadow.

one for the dark lord

The last ring, and the most important, was for the dark lord upon the dark throne in the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.

In One Ring represents the power of Sauron, the Dark Lord. He was forged in the fires of Orodruin, in the Mount of Destiny. His main function was none other than exercise control over the other 19. During his forging, Sauron had to pour some of his own power into the crucible, thereby establishing a symbiotic bond between the object and its master. Sauron and the ring were doomed to be one: he could never die as long as the ring existed. But on the other hand, he would never be able to wield his full power without the ring on his finger. The forging place of his was the only one in Middle-earth capable of destroying him, so Sauron thus guaranteed his power and tyranny.

How does the work of The Lord of the ringsSauron used the power of the One Ring to subdue all of Middle Earth until Isildur snatched it from him in battle. The Dúnedain had it for a time and came to experience its effects. However, she dies and falls into the water with him. For two millennia, the One Ring was under water until it was found by Déagol, who was killed by his cousin Sméagol to get hold of the jewel. From there it passed to Bilbo and from him to Frodo.

As for his powers, It had all the powers that the rest of the rings. The other rings were at a disadvantage against him. The bearer of it could read the minds of the bearers of the rest of the rings and enslave them. gave invisibility to the one who used it. It could increase the abilities of the owner of it and also motivated its wearer to use it and do anything not to lose it, corrupting it and encouraging it to become a new dark lord.

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