
Apple releases the seventh beta of macOS Ventura


Official Apple developers can now download a new beta version of Apple to their test Macs. macOS Ventura. The seventh since Apple released the first last June. And fifteen days after launching the sixth.

So we see that Apple Park is working hard so that the new software for this year’s Macs is ready to be released shortly for all users. So in a few weeks, we will be able to install it for all “ordinary” users who have a Mac compatible with the thirteenth version of macOS.

Apple has released today for all developers the seventh beta of macOS Ventura. So there are only a few weeks left before said software is finally released for all users. A new macOS that has been in testing since June, and today it has received its seventh update.

Developers registered with Apple’s testing program can download the beta through the Apple Developer Center. Once the developer profile is installed, betas will be available through the software update mechanism at System preferencesjust like any other official macOS update.

As we always do, if you have the possibility to access these betas, never install it on your main computer that you use daily to work or study. Although they are quite stable beta versions, there is always the risk of a fatal error occurring, and losing all the information stored on your Mac.

Developers who are dedicated to testing new software in beta phase, always use specific Macs to do all kinds of tests, so if any “catastrophe” occurs they are not worried in the least. Factory reset and start over.

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