Apple TV +: the trailer for season 2 of Foundation shows that the bar is still very high

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the TV series Foundation. Although the vast majority recognize the quality of the series as a sci-fi product, many fans of Isaac Asimov’s story are crying out loud for the fact that they dare to consider the production an “adaptation” of the novels. Be that as it may, the proposal AppleTV+ It doesn’t slow down and after a long wait, we finally have a trailer and a release date for its second season.

Apple TV+ Foundation: adaptation or inspiration?

When news broke that Apple TV+ was going to be faced with the daunting task of adapting the book series by Foundation Asimov’s, more than one raised an eyebrow. Like Dune -we would dare to say that this case is even more difficult-, these are very complex novels, difficult to encompass and to satisfactorily reflect on a screen. In the case of Frank Hubert’s story, Denis Villeneuve has shown that it is possible, and many of us fans are already waiting. Dunes: Part 2 at the cinema; As for Isaac’s work, things have not been so positive.

And it is that many readers of the Foundation saga have criticized that Apple TV+ series It has simply been based on the original idea to later adapt it in its own way, lacking much of the fidelity of the original story.

Despite these criticisms, what is indisputable is that at the production level, the television proposal is very outstanding: the special and visual effects are very satisfactory and the narrative, although somewhat distorted, get you hooked and entertained. so much so in fact Manzana there is no doubt in betting on it again with a second season that is already on the verge of candy.

Trailer and release date

Although the apple house has called him “teasers”, The truth is that it is a fairly complete advance of a minute and a half in which we can get a good idea of ​​what is to come. This second season, which takes a time jump of a century compared to what we saw in the first installment, shows us how everything has changed in this time.

The synopsis of this installment tells us that the Empire he is in danger, with the decline of the Cleon and a queen trying to destroy him from within. For his part, Hari, Gaal and Salvor discover a colony with psionic abilities that has the ability to alter psychohistory while Foundation it continues to develop and is now conceived as a religion, inciting war against the Empire or Second Crisis.

We once again have Jared Harris, Lee Pace, Lou Llobell, Laura Bim and Cassian Bilton, among others, on screen, as well as welcoming new faces as Isabella Laughland (Trigonometry), Ella-Rae Smith (do not talk to strangers) or Ben Daniels (we have seen him, for example, in The Crown’s T3).

The Serie will be released on July 14We imagine that with only one first episode, to later, every week, launch the rest one by one.

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