
Are you a true Apple fan? Prove it with this test

Do you think you know a lot about Apple? Even some very specific data? In this article we propose a game that, although it is not too binding, will help you test your brand knowledge. If you accept the rest, we recommend that you take a pen and paper. Yes indeed, it is not worth cheating, that even if you have the Google access button very close, in the end it will lose all grace.

Questions that will show if you are a true fan

We could qualify the following test as a intermediate level. They are not too complicated questions, but some really require having some knowledge about the brand, especially in the years of its founding. What’s more, the last 5 are dedicated to the iPhone exclusively, being the star product of the company in these years and for which the apple company has been opened to the world.

Tip: Go writing down the answers and scrolling down the screen to see each question individually, since in the final part of this section you will find the solutions.

  1. Where is the company headquarters?
    • San Francisco
    • San Diego
    • Cupertino
    • Mountain view
  2. What year was the original iPod released?
  3. In what year was the company founded?
  4. Who founded it?
    • Steve Jobs
    • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
    • Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
    • Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and John Sculley
  5. Since what year has Tim Cook been permanent CEO?
    • 2008
    • 2014
    • 2013
    • 2011iPhone 3G
  6. What was the first iPhone to officially arrive in Spain?
    • iPhone (original)
    • iPhone 3G
    • iPhone 3GS
    • Iphone 4
  7. Do youWhat was the first iPhone to incorporate “Portrait Mode”?
    • iPhone 6s Plus
    • iPhone 7 Plus
    • iPhone 8 Plus
    • iPhone X
  8. What star feature have the iPhone 13 introduced?
    • Cinema mode
    • Deep fusion
    • Night mode
    • Ultra Wide Angle Lens
  9. Which iPhone gave rise to the “antenna gate” that caused coverage failures?
    • iPhone 5
    • Iphone 4
    • iPhone 3GS
    • Iphone 4s
  10. What was the first iPhone with wireless charging?
    • iPhone 8/8 Plus
    • iPhone 6s / 6s Plus
    • iPhone 7/7 Plus
    • iPhone XS / XS Max


  1. Cupertino
  2. 2001
  3. 1976
  4. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
  5. 2011
  6. iPhone 3G
  7. iPhone 7 Plus
  8. Cinema mode
  9. Iphone 4
  10. iPhone 8

Apple event

How are you according to your score?

  • Fanboy / Fangirl (8, 9 or 10 correct): you are a true fan of the Californian company. We do not know if you are one of those who queues with the departure of the new iPhone, but if not, surely it is not due to lack of desire. You know a lot about the company and even if there is no official degree, we can give you a (fictitious) honorary diploma.
  • Geek (5, 6 or 7 correct): It is not that you are the biggest connoisseur of the brand, but you know a good part of its history and technology of the iPhone. This denotes at least your love of technology, although we do not know if very in particular for the Californian brand.
  • Interested (3 or 4 correct): OK, you are not the one who knows the most about Apple, but having answered some questions shows that at least you have a certain interest and you have stayed in your memory with some information about the brand.
  • He wants to ring you (1 or 2 hits): you know Apple, of course, although more by hearsay than anything else. You may even be a user of the brand, but it has never really aroused much interest in you. Despite this, you have got one right.
  • Who are you? (0 correct): you have not hit any, but nothing happens. What’s more, we are deeply happy that you are reading The Bitten Apple even if you are not an Apple expert. In fact, it is possible that you are starting, so surely the next one you will not forget these answers.

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