Are you coming back from vacation out of shape? Use these programs to recover it

Holidays are not only periods of the year in which we take the opportunity to disconnect from work, but also, it is the best time of year to skip meal times and eat whatever we want, always in moderation. But, when returning to the routine of daily work, it is likely that the pants will tighten us a little more than normal. If we want the pants button to pop out when we sit down, and we’re short on time, we can try some of the programs we’ve compiled in this article to get back in shape.

Although the simplest solution is to go to a gym and follow the instructions of the corresponding monitor, it is most likely that we will not even consider that solution for various reasons, either due to lack of time or for economic reasons.

On the website, we can find all kinds of exercises along with advice when it comes to playing sports, preventing injuries and, in general, improving our health. In addition, we can also find all kinds of recipes that will help us shape our figure depending on what we are looking for.

Includes a section on routines, where we can find a wide range of options if we want to maintain or improve our fitness from home, going for a run, riding a bike and more. We can also find advice that we should follow when going to the gym, what type of footwear is best for certain types of running and according to our footprint, exercises for the elderly and much more.

Exercises at home

Another interesting option available via the web that will allow us to take off a few extra pounds is Exercises at home. With this website, we can find from a large number of CrossFit routines and circuits to do at home to yoga exercises, through specific training to lose weight/volume of certain areas of our body as well as advice of all kinds. It also includes online advice, although it is not free.


If we want to go to a gym to follow a routine, but free time doesn’t allow it, we can visit the Gyn-in website, Get in shape. Through this website, we have access to more than 120 online fitness classes, and exercises of all kinds to strengthen the buttocks and legs, the abdominals, the back, yoga and GAP exercises, stretching in the office, pilates, among many others. In addition, it also includes nutritional information, which will invite us to adapt our diet depending on the type of exercise we want to do or according to the area of ​​the body we want to strengthen or reduce the volume.

We can try all the classes and training plans for free. Yes, finally we verify that we like what it offers us, we can pay the monthly fee and unsubscribe whenever we want without problems.


During the coronavirus pandemic, with restricted movements without being able to leave the house, there were many YouTube channels that became references when it came to exercise at home. Plus, being available on most smart TVs or devices like Fire TV, Chromecast, Apple TV, and more, accessing these channels for a workout is a snap. These YouTube channels, which grew dramatically during that time, have continued to include videos with routines of all kinds to exercise at home in short sessions and with which we will be able to do some exercise every day to take off the extra kilos that we have gained during the holidays.


One of the most complete YouTube channels is Gym Virtual, an online gym available through its website where we have more than 720 videos of all kinds and where, in addition, we can search by duration, difficulty levels, training plans, by materials (if we want to use dumbbells, for example). Access to all the videos is completely free, so it is not necessary to invest a single euro to shape or recover our figure.

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