Are you connected to the correct WiFi band? Check it

Currently, most devices that we use to connect to the Internet wirelessly can do so in the band of the 5GHz and in that of the 2.4GHz. Choosing which one we connect to is going to be essential to ensure that the speed is adequate and prevent the dreaded cuts from appearing. In this article we are going to explain some essential points to know if we are using the correct band.

Check if you are using the correct WiFi band

We can say that the 5 GHz band is the fastest. Although not all devices are compatible, it is normal that today most are. However, it has the limitation that it is much more sensitive to distance and possible obstacles. On the other hand, the 2.4 GHz band allows us to connect further from the router, even if the speed is lower.

Do a speed test

The first thing you can do is the most obvious and simple: a speed test. Make a Speed ​​Test connected to the 2.4 GHz band and another connected to the 5 GHz band, you can indicate which is the most ideal to connect. At the end of the day, what we want is for it to go as well as possible.

You have to look at both the download speed and the upload speed, but also the latency. They are indicative that will give us an idea of ​​whether we are connected to the right band or we can have a better connection if we change to another WiFi band that may work better.

Analyze the location of the router

Are you connected near the router or quite far? Without a doubt, this point is essential to determine which band is the most correct. If you are in the same room as the access point, the ideal would be to connect to the 5 GHz one. You will have higher speeds and there will be no obstacles or distance problems.

On the other hand, if you are far from the router, the ideal would be to opt for the 2.4 GHz one. In this way there will be more stability and even the speed will be higher as well. It is a band less sensitive to possible obstacles that may exist.

Check if the channel is saturated

It is also important to see if the channel you are using it is saturated. In the case of the 2.4 GHz band, this problem is more frequent. There are more devices around that connect this way and that can lead to conflicts and loss of speed and signal quality.

The 5 GHz band has more channels available and it is more likely that you will find a totally free one that works optimally. Therefore, analyzing if there is channel saturation can also determine if it is better to connect to one band or another. There is always the option to connect the computer to only one Wi-Fi band.

See signal strength

The coverage that it reaches us will also be an indication to know if we should change the band. If we are connected far from the router, it is normal that we receive a worse signal through the 5 GHz band. That will make us rethink whether it is worth opting for the 2.4 GHz band and thus having more stability.

On the other hand, if we see that the signal that reaches us in both cases is similar, it generally means that with the 5 GHz band we are going to achieve greater speed and that will be the one that we must use.

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