
AWS re:Invent 2022, the epicenter of the cloud

Throughout this week, AWS re:Invent 2022 is taking place, a global event in which Amazon’s cloud megaplatform brings together professionals, purchasing decision makers, analysts, communicators and many other profiles with the most diverse interests but that orbit, in all cases, around the cloud and its more than extensive collection of services. A new edition that, after the hiatus caused by the pandemic (it was not held in 2020 and did so with certain limitations in 2021) returns in style, with more than 50,000 visitorsas Adam Selipsky, CEO of AWS, stated during his presentation on Tuesday morning.

With constant work over the years, Amazon has managed to turn re:Invent into an essential space for professionals related in one way or another with the cloud, because throughout its five days (from November 28 to December 2) all kinds of sessions and meetings take place. In a matter of minutes you can jump from the importance of software-defined vehicles to the nascent present and very promising future of quantum computing. The menu is so extensive that it seems absolutely impossible to go hungry. In my personal case, halfway through the event, the feeling is rather the opposite, that of a sumptuous and nutritious all-you-can-eat buffet in which variety and quality go hand in hand.

However, the main focus in this type of event, and re:Invent 2022 is no exception, is found in the multiple announcements that take place in them. By the middle of the week we have already known the vast majority of them (although some more will still be produced in the next few hours), so we are ready to review everything that Amazon has told us during these days.

AWS Supply Chain

While it’s hard to rank ads by importance, as this metric is terribly subjective, I personally think it’s worth it. start talking about AWS Supply Chaina supply chain management, supervision and analysis solution that, by relying on the platform’s services, offers a great qualitative improvement, precisely in a type of process that, with traditional management models, has proven to be potentially very dangerous, due to lack of visibility and confidence in second, third and successive degrees.

Until recently, the supply chain was not considered as part of the exposure-attack surface, nor was it considered as a source of information that, subjected to the corresponding analysis, can provide a lot of intelligence that we can apply to the Time to optimize processes. However, unfortunately in the first case (because it only began to be taken into account after some well-known security incidents) and fortunately in the second, the general industry has finally become fully aware of the enormous importance of all processes included in it.

The key to AWS Supply Chain is that it provides a tremendous degree of visibility into the supply chain in real time, which will allow us to maintain an appropriate level of oversight, which in turn facilitates a proactive approach to security, and better analysis of the processes, which in turn, and especially if we add it to the analytical tools, results in its optimization, both in a general way and in the event of both foreseen and unexpected events.

Amazon Data Zone

The cloud is a fundamental and essential element in the world of data, both for its storage and for the computing operations associated with it. We have more and more sources of data, both internal and external, which is a great advantage… but also a significant challenge, since administrators and officials face complex work related to the management of said sources.

And it is that data administration has become, although it may not seem so, one of the most complex tasks, since it requires from the location and documentation of all data sources, the management of access to them, the adaptation to the governance and compliance policies of each organization and regulatory frameworks… and the key is that the greater the volume of useful data, which is desirable, the complexity of its management also increases.

To facilitate these tasks, AWS has introduced Amazon Data Zone, a data management service designed to support administrators managing collections with data stored in AWS, on-premises, and third-party sources. With this new service, the management of access permissions is substantially simplified, while the administrator maintains absolute visibility over his catalog, which allows its maximum use, without this compromising the security policies related to each of the sources. .

AWS Clean Rooms

We are still talking about data, but now in a more complex scenario: sharing it between different companies and institutions in joint projects, something that has been a trend for some time and that will only increase in the future. And it is that collaborations, whether between two or more parties, are an exceptional mechanism to obtain better results.

The problem is that due to competitiveness, compliance and/or due to the regulations of the data to be shared, these types of operations are usually substantially complex. And not so much because of the knowledge that we may have about what can be shared and what data must always remain in custody, something that we can do easily thanks to solutions such as DataZone, as because of the technological tools that allow us to do it in a totally secure and controlled.

With that need in mind, Amazon has introduced AWS Clean Rooms, an analysis service that allows you to create a clean room (a space), in which you will have absolute control over the data that is being shared. Thanks to them, we can avoid sharing or revealing data associated with those that we do want to share accidentally. Once the room is created, we can choose exactly which digital assets we bring to it, establishing as many restrictions as necessary. Thus, when the other party accesses the room, we will be sure that they will not access, accidentally or intentionally, information that should remain out of their reach.

Amazon Security Lake

Surely you have heard about data lakes on multiple occasions and, therefore, you know what they consist of and you know the advantages they bring to data management and analysis. For its part, the management of cybersecurity has been something complex for some time now, and that “thanks” to the ever-increasing pressure from cybercriminals only makes it more complicated. What generates this? An increasing volume of data, with the differential factor that the security of the entire data infrastructure protected by the solutions that generate them depends on the visibility of said data.

As an innovative approach to this problem, and based on the data lake solution, AWS has announced Amazon Security Lake, a data lake specifically designed to centralize all organizations’ security data. A solution that offers greater control over all the information generated in this regard and that, at the same time, allows its use from the analytical tools of our choice.

These are the main announcements that have been made during these days, although they only represent a small part of the total, to which we must also add other keynotes, sessions, meetings, interviews, etc., that are taking place throughout of these days, during a week in which Las Vegas has become, thanks to AWS re:Invent 2022, the center of the cloud Universe. Over the next few days, we’ll be talking about other announcements and some noteworthy areas that you’re sure to find very interesting. Do not miss it!

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