Battlefield 2042: players gang up to be reimbursed by EA

After the failed launch fiasco of Battlefield 2042, thousands of players have decided to band together to get a full refund for the game, across multiple platforms. As of this writing, the petition has exceeded 30,000 signatures.

Credits: EA

If you follow video game news, you probably know that Battlefield 2042 is one of the biggest disappointments of the end of 2021. IndeedDICE’s latest FPS has greatly disappointed the communitythe fault of bugs galore, a balancing of weapons and vehicles to be completely reviewed, and the absence of key features of the license such as local voice chat or the traditional scoreboard.

Very quickly, the attendance of the game collapsed, going from 100,000 players during its first weekend to less than 6,000 players during the last 30 days. A catastrophic situation that pushes the publisher of the title EA to consider making certain game modes free, in the hope of attracting more hesitant players. And for the bravest who continue to play the game, it will take a lot of patience.

Indeed, EA and DICE recently announced the postponement of the 1st season of Battlefield 2042 to summer 2022. In other words, no new content on the game before the summer period. Terrible news that put the final blow to the last opus of the saga.

Read also: Battlefield 2042 – Steam agrees to reimburse the game in the face of the anger of disgruntled players


More than 30,000 players claim a refund

To show their great displeasure, thousands of players have decided to join forces to claim a full refund for the game. Indeed, a petition to this effect was published on and direct to Sony, Microsoft, Steam, DICE, EA and the US Federal Trade Agency. The goal is to authorize refunds for each applicant on these platforms.

The creator of the petition, Satoshi Nakamoto, indicates that if the 50,000 signatures are reached, a top class action lawyer will take EA to court. Be careful however, the identity of the lawyer is not specified and no official statement has been provided on this point. Still, the petition brings together more and more players, going from 500 to more than 30,000 in just five days.

The gaming community should not tolerate this kind of abuse and intimidation from multi-billion dollar corporations that produce unfinished games and false advertisements,” concluded Satoshi Nakamato in the description of the petition. And you, are you tempted to sign this petition? Tell us in the comments.

Credits: Windows Central

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