
Check how much you have consumed by WiFi in Windows this month

Having control over Internet consumption can be interesting in certain situations. It is very useful in order to prevent the data rate from running out, for example. In this article we will explain what steps to take to know how much Internet has been consumed by WiFi on Windows in the last month. This data is offered by the system itself and you can consult it to have greater control over the connection.

How to see the consumption by WiFi in Windows

If you share data with your mobile to be able to connect to your computer anywhere, something essential is to control consumption. The normal thing is that you have a limited rate. Once the data is finished, you start paying a supplement or you stay directly offline. That is why it is convenient to have a control.

To know how much you have consumed by WiFi in Windows 11, what you have to do is go to Start, enter Settings, Network and Internet and go to Advanced network settings. There you have to look for the section of data usage.

View Wi-Fi data usage in Windows

You will automatically see a screen where it will show you at the top how much you have consumed by WiFi. However, you can also click on the drop-down menu and put Ethernet, to know how much you have consumed if you have connected by network cable. In both cases it will give you the total amount you have consumed.

In addition, at the bottom you will see the exact consumption you have made with each application installed. For example, you will see what you have consumed with Chrome, if you have used Skype or any other program. Next to each of them you will see the consumption you have made by WiFi. This is useful to prevent a given application from consuming too much and using it without any control.

Steps to set a limit on consumption

You may have seen that you have consumed too much through WiFi and that puts your data rate at risk. Windows allows you to set a maximum limit to consumption and thus be able to prevent the programs we use to navigate or connect to the network from exceeding a set amount.

To do this you have to follow the same steps as above and, once you are in Data usage, click on Specify limit. A menu will appear asking you to set a monthly limit, once or without limit. You can also put a day of the month for that limit to be reset and, finally, what the limit will be. If, for example, you have a 20 GB rate, the ideal is for the limit to be somewhat lower and thus receive a notice. Allows you to put the unit in MB and GB.

Set a limit on data consumption

From that moment you will have configured Windows 11 with a limit of Internet consumption through Wi-Fi. This will help you better control your rate and avoid possible problems that may appear at any given time. It is a simple and fast process that you can carry out at any time and remove if necessary.

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