Disney and Scarlett Johansson have struck a deal and made peace

What seemed like a lawsuit destined to uncover a Pandora’s box, made up of missed payments for the exclusive or hybrid distribution on the video on demand platforms of films destined for the cinema (in this specific case for Black Widow), it seems to have resulted in nothing. As revealed by The Hollywood Reporter, Disney And Scarlett Johansson they seem to have made peace on the matter, having found an agreement which, however, has not been disclosed.

Disney and Scarlett Johansson now go hand in hand again

“I’m really happy to have resolved the differences with Disney” said the actress in an official statement released just a few hours ago. “I am incredibly proud of the work we have done together over the years and have loved my creative relationship with the team very much. I look forward to continuing our partnership for years to come. “

Mickey’s company also wanted to make his thoughts known, and they did so through the words of the president of the Studios Alan Bergman; at the same time revealing that the film project inspired by the Tower of Terror, now given up for dead, is now back on track with the actress.

I’m really happy that we were able to reach a mutual agreement with Scarlett Johansson regarding Black Widow. We appreciate your contribution to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and look forward to working together on a number of upcoming projects, including Disney’s Tower of Terror.

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