Do not stop the Music! Listen to your Spotify songs from your PC

From the browser we will have access to all the songs and playlists that we have saved, listen to all our music, podcasts, etc, since it has the same features and works exactly the same as its desktop application.

How to use from PC

In order to use Spotify Web Player, the first thing we are going to need is to open our preferred browser and access its web page. Later we must access our account by clicking on the button Log in. In case we do not have an account, we must create it previously, clicking on Register and opt for a free or premium account.

On the next screen, we must enter our start data login and select login. Once we have logged in with our account, we can see the main interface of Spotify Web Player, and we can start playing our favorite songs or podcast from the web browser.

Like the desktop version, Spotify Web Player offers various features such as the ability to search for content, play music, access our library, and create our playlists. All this from its interface.


If we look at the left sidebar, the first element we will find is Home. Every time we click on this option will take us to the main screen, where we can find and play music. This screen also includes music recommendations, playlists created by us, the songs that we have recently played, etc. From here, we will be able to explore all the content of the web application.


This is the second section that we find in the left sidebar. Clicking on it opens the Spotify standard search page, from where we can write our search queries. It will only be necessary to select the box at the top and write the name of the song, podcast, artist or album that we are looking for.

Next, we will see all the results obtained from the search of our query. On the same screen, we will also find several genre options to find songs in them.

your library

The third section that we find in the sidebar on the left is Your library. This is where we will be able see all our personalized content. We simply have to select this option to be able to see our playlists, podcasts, artists and albums that we have saved.

In the event that we find that this section is empty, it is because we have not yet saved any element. To start playing any saved item, just click on its corresponding folder and it will start playing.

Create playlist

In the event that we want to create a new playlist for our songs, all we have to do is press the Create playlist, which is the fourth element that we find in the left column. Later we enter a name and we can start adding songs.

As expected, this playlist is directly synchronized with our Spotify account so we can see it on all the devices where we use the same account.

Adding items to the created playlist is as simple as right-clicking on the chosen song. This will open a context menu where we select add to list and finally we click on the desired list.

My account

In the upper right we will see the name of our account. If we click on it we will see several options for our account. From here we can see the following options:

  • Bill: select this option to view and modify our Spotify account settings.
  • Profile: We will choose this option to view and edit our Spotify profile.
  • Upgrade to Premium: With this option, we can update our Spotify account.
  • Sign off: this option closes the session of Spotify Web Player in our browser.

Music player

When we start to play any track, we will see a mini player at the bottom of the browser that we will be able to use to control the playback of our music.

In this player, we find a heart icon that we can select to add the currently playing song to our playlist songs that you like We can mix our music by choosing the shuffle icon. It also has standard playback buttons like previous, play/pause Y Next. Also, there is a button enable replay to play the current music track in a loop.

In the right area we can select the option Letters, from where to see the lyrics of the current song. We can select the icon queue to see their songs in queue. In the event that we use Spotify on another device, we can manage the playback of all your devices with the option Connect to a device.

Finally, On the far right of the mini player, we have the option to adjust the volume levels. Simply drag this volume slider to the left to decrease the volume, or drag the slider to the right to increase the volume.

Spotify Desktop, your application for computer

In addition to the web application, Spotify has a desktop version that we can download from its website, as well as a UWP application that we can download from the Microsoft Store itself on both Windows 10 and Windows 11, so that we can choose the one we like the most. With them we will have a complete version of the program from which we can have access to all its functions, such as a higher quality of the songs, as well as the possibility of downloading songs to our computer to listen to them without an Internet connection, as long as we have their version Premium contracted.

As for the interface that we find, it is similar to the one we see in its web version, showing the options that we have available in the left column. Therefore, we can access the Home section, we will have the search engine to find both an album and artists or songs that interest us. We also find the section of Your library from where we have access to all our saved albums and playlists that we have created.

As we have mentioned from the desktop application we will be able to download the albums that we want to our hard drive. To do this we just have to access the desired album and click on the Discharge that we find just above the list of songs. In this way we will have them available, even if we do not have an Internet connection.

Another highlight of Spotify Desktop is its Configuration menu from where we can carry out various adjustments such as configuring the audio quality, whether for streaming or downloads. We will also be able to connect our account with Facebook, change the location where downloads are saved or configure the volume.

Differences with the web version

There are very few differences between the web version of Spotify and the desktop version, although they are important for us to know. And it is that, for example, in Spotify Web Player we will obtain a lower quality when playing music as the maximum bitrate is 256kbps for premium users, while on the desktop app reaches 320Kbps.

It is possible that we will not be able to notice the difference if we only listen to music occasionally, only if we are gourmets will we be able to notice the change. In addition, from the application, we can configure the quality to our liking, which allows us to save on the use of the connection while the web player does not allow it.

The second big difference is that from the desktop application we will be able to download music to be able to listen to it without having to be connected to the Internet (only for premium users). However, from the web player we will not be able to download songs.

Despite these two disadvantages, we must bear in mind that Spotify Web Player is designed for portability and ease of use, since we will be able to access its entire musical catalog from any computer, even if it is not the one we use regularly without downloading nothing, and that is where its main advantage lies.

Create a PWA shortcut to Spotify

Through progressive web applications (PWA) we can access services such as Spotify Web, without having to install any software on our computer, since we will only need the browser to create and use them. In this way we will be able to run Spotify Web from its own window instead of from a tab within the browser.

In order to use Spotify as a PWA we are going to use Google Chrome as a browser. Through it, we will be able to create a shortcut that allows us to run the web application as an individual application. To do this we just have to enter the Spotify Web page and click on the button with three vertical points and select “More tools” and “Create Shortcut”.

Later, a pop-up window will appear asking if we want to create a shortcut with the option to change the access name and check the Open as window box. We have to click on the button “to create” so we can have the app separate from Chrome.

Once finished we will automatically obtain a PWA mode from the web with its own shortcut. Simply by executing this shortcut, we can directly access our app without having to open Chrome first and without having to keep it open afterwards. (brandxhuaraches)

Alternative clients

Another way to be able to enjoy all of Spotify’s content is through alternative clients, which can sometimes work better than the official one. Let’s look at some examples.


It is a free and open source application especially focused on those Spotify users who are not satisfied with their official application, either because of the design of its own interface or because of the presence of annoying banners. It is characterized by being fast and light, so it can be used on all types of computers. It has a more organized menu, white and dark themes, integrates with the taskbar, allows you to anchor pages at the beginning, etc. We can download it for free from its repository on GitHub.


The most nostalgic can use a webapp like Winampify, through which we will be able to access all the content of Spotify by using the classic Winamp design that many users miss so much. It is a local player that works as a Spotify player, although we can also add our own songs stored on the PC. Its main drawback is that it will be necessary to have a Premium account to enjoy it. We can access it from its official website.

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