Do you use Microsoft Defender Windows antivirus? you won’t like this

Having an antivirus is very important to maintain security when browsing the Internet. In the event that we download a malicious file, for example, this program could launch a warning and block it. It is also responsible for tracking processes that may be dangerous, applications that may be potentially dangerous, etc. There are many options, both free and paid. However, a very common one is to use Microsoft Defender, the antivirus that comes free with Windows. But is it a good solution? We echo a report that you may not like.

Windows antivirus is the one that has been installed by default since we used Windows for the first time when buying a computer. If we install another, it is no longer the main one. It does not mean that we are tied to this software, far from it. We may want to install another one that works better or seems more secure.

Windows Defender consumes a lot of resources

The negative point of this report that they have carried out since AV Test is that Windows antivirus has a major impact on the system load. Basically it means that it consumes resources and that it can lead to our equipment not working as well as it should, at least in certain situations.

In this study they have analyzed a total of 18 antiviruses. The one from Microsoft has obtained the highest score in terms of protection capacity, so we are dealing with a very reliable program in that regard, but not so in the Resource consumption. That is his weak point, at least today.

The best results, those that obtained 18 points out of 18 possible, were: Avast Free Antivirus, Avira Security for Windows, Bitdefender Internet Security, G DATA Internet Security, Kaspersky Internet Security and Trend Micro Internet Security. In the case of Windows Defender, it scored 17 out of 18 possible points due to the impact on system load, which caused it to lose a full point.

In fact, according to AV-Test, the highest system load, out of the 18 antiviruses tested, came from Windows antivirus. It performed worse than the rest in this test, something that users will not like. Having a system that works well, fast and stable is essential.

It’s not easy to notice this burden

However, from AV-Test they also indicate that a home user will not notice a great variation. Except for specific cases, you will not notice that your system works worse because you have Windows antivirus or opt for another alternative. This can be observed when performing more specific tests.

So even though Windows antivirus has performed poorly in terms of system load, it really it will not affect the day to day of the computers that have it installed. At least not in common, habitual use. The device should work fine with this protection enabled.

In short, as you can see, having a good antivirus is key both for security and for the system to function correctly. Keep in mind that some antivirus blocks online games and other applications, so it is something that you must analyze to avoid problems.

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