Don’t do this on the internet without using a VPN

There are times when it becomes essential use a VPN. If you want to maintain privacy and security at all times, you must have this type of service, regardless of whether you connect from your mobile or computer. We are going to show under what circumstances you should not browse the Internet without being connected through this type of program and not having problems.

When to always use a VPN

VPNs are primarily used to improve both the privacy as security when navigating. They serve to encrypt the data and prevent a third party from intercepting it. But they are also useful for bypassing geo-blocking by hiding the real IP address. In this way you can access services that may be restricted if you are traveling, for example.

Pay from public WiFi

Without a doubt, one of the moments where it is essential to use a VPN is when it comes to buy through a public WiFi network. If, for example, you are connected in a shopping center, airport or a library, you should use a program of this type if, for example, you are going to make a purchase through Amazon or any similar platform.

In this way you ensure that the connection is made securely, without a possible intruder from that network being able to intercept the data and steal the bank card information. It is important to buy online safely and one of the options to avoid problems is this.

Sign in to open networks

Something similar happens when you go to log in to any platform on the Internet. Your personal informationsuch as the password, can be exposed if you enter from a public network where a cybercriminal may be connected and spying on all connections made.

Here you must also use a VPN so that the connection travels as if it were in a tunnel and they cannot access. It is a very interesting method to block unwanted connections and preserve our privacy.

Enter unencrypted pages

You should also use a VPN if you are going to enter a web page that is not secure, that does not have encryption. They are the ones you can see start with HTTP and not by HTTPS. It does not mean that all of them are dangerous, far from it; but they can be used by hackers and steal the information we send and receive.

What the VPN does in this case is to encrypt that connection and prevent the data from being exposed. It is a way to increase security and privacy when you enter pages that are not fully protected.

Use Netflix from another country

if you are going to use Netflix or any similar platform from another country, you should also consider the importance of using a VPN. This will avoid problems watching your favorite series and movies that may be blocked outside of Spain, something that is common in many cases.

Thanks to the VPN you will connect to a server and browse as if you were in Spain, even if you are physically thousands of kilometers away. You will avoid geographical restrictions and problems that may arise.

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