¿Dos Timeline on Twitter? This is the new proposal of the social network

After he published the famous tweet greeting everyone during the historic fall of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, recently the social network announced the arrival of new functions, such as eliminating someone who follows us. Now we know that you are thinking of going further to make the platform a fresh and innovative place.

Currently the algorithm that implements Twitter It is based on the popularity of the tweets, that is, the most popular or trending is shown first, however this could change, since it is known that the social network is working on a new function that organizes the way in which shows the tweets, based on chronology and not popularity.

Long time, Twitter I launched a function that allowed to sort the tweets, prioritizing those that were published first so that people could correctly see all the content, but now, Twitter is working on a function that will allow its users to see two types of timeline, one organized by trends, as is happening right now and the other will be shown by date.

At the moment, this function is in beta, some people are just testing it to verify that it works correctly, specifically in the iOS operating system. If everything goes correctly, it could reach all people and Twitter accounts in the near future.

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