
Download the maps you need to your Windows PC with this trick

Thanks to the technology that presents us with everything related to the internet, we have the possibility to visit and travel almost the whole world without moving from the sofa. This is something that we achieve thanks to the different specific applications that we can find, as with the app Windows Maps.

This is a powerful program that many of you may not be familiar with but that integrates by default with Microsoft’s own operating system. Actually, it is a UWP app like many others that we find as soon as we install the system from scratch. As is usual in this type of solution, it proposes a series of interactive maps between which we can move, visit places, know the locations of all kinds of elements, create routes, etc.

For all this we find a series of display modes and functions that try to facilitate this type of task. As you can imagine and as usual, Microsoft Maps needs a Internet connection to be able to offer us all their services. This is something that will not represent a problem in most cases, since we usually work with connected equipment. In this way we can make all kinds of queries about locations and extract the elements that we consider important from them.

To all this, we must add that the program can show us in real time certain problems on the roads, such as traffic jams or accidents. However, we will not always have an internet connection, for example, if we are in the middle of a trip with our laptop in the car, so let’s fix it.

Download maps to navigate without internet connection

However, we have the possibility of downloading these contents in the form of maps to be able to use them offline. This is what we are going to show you next by carrying out this simple trick that one of the functions of the app offers us. In order to achieve this, the first thing we have to do is open the program regularly. One of the ways to do it is by searching for it. Windows start menu.

We can also type its name, Maps, in the search box that is located on the system task bar. Once we have it on the screen, we have to access the configuration section of the application.

To do this we only have to click on the button located in the upper right corner that is represented by three horizontal points. Thus, in the new window that appears, we will have the possibility of download these maps that we comment on. We just have to click on the button that says choose maps that are in the upper part of the new window.

Choose maps

This will lead us to the Configuration application of the operating system itself so that in this way we can choose the maps that interest us in each case. After clicking on the Download maps section, we will be able to choose the contents that interest us cataloged by continents. As we mentioned before, this will give us the opportunity to use the navigation application without the need for an internet connection.

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