Eugenia Dutto, from Wolters Kluwer: “Technology is the guarantee to be able to compete in a complex and demanding scenario”

Digitization is one of the great trends with which we close 2022 and which will also be a benchmark in the short and medium term, in the Spanish market. Therefore, from MuyPymes we are issuing the free course “Learn to digitize and grow your SME”, a new training given by the consultant Jesus Garcia Fernandez in collaboration with Wolters Klüwer.

To learn more about the details of the digital transformation of Spanish SMEs, we have spoken with Eugenia Dutto Consulting & Services Director Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting Spain.

MuyPymes: Is it possible for an SME to grow without going digital?

Eugenia Duto: At Wolters Kluwer we believe that all SMEs, regardless of the field in which they operate, need to go digital. We must not forget that when we talk about digitization we are referring to any production process (of our activity or of any activity necessary to carry it out), or relationship with suppliers and customers, etc.

Technology improves the productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of organizations. Not going digital not only does not allow growth, but also does not allow them to compete in the market or, in some cases, survive. The very regulations promoted by the tax or labor Administration lead to digitization. Technology is the guarantee to be able to compete in an increasingly complex and demanding scenario, and SMEs are understanding the importance of digitally reinventing themselves to continue growing.

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VerySMEs: What are the best tools to grow a small and medium business?

Eugenia Duto: The best tools for growth are determined by a prior analysis of all the processes carried out by the company, its current situation and its points of improvement. Once this starting point is clear, from Wolters Kluwer we can determine and recommend which is the best tool in each case.

As a leading software solutions company, we know which solutions help to automate and efficiently manage resources in different areas of the company, such as billing and accounting, payroll, finance, logistics, customer relations (ERP, CRM), etc., which experience a quantum leap with the digitization of their departments and, therefore, results in greater efficiency and competitiveness for the entire organization.

Our objective is to offer small and medium-sized companies the necessary technological development for their growth, providing them with connected and collaborative solutions so that they can adapt their businesses to the necessary digital transformation.

MuyPymes: At a regulatory level, how does software help you comply with the Administration?

Eugenia Duto: At Wolters Kluwer we offer expert and specialized software solutions in the tax, accounting, labor and management fields for business professionals and law firms, and this implies guaranteeing constant and permanent updating to adapt them to the legal changes that occur. and also to the new requirements of the Administration, which increasingly promotes the use of electronic and telematic means to comply with formal obligations.

In this sense, it is increasingly necessary to have software that relates to the Administration in a structured and reliable manner. In fact, the latest legal changes and those that are in the making suggest that only software solutions with very specific functionality can be used. By way of example, the Law against tax fraud will oblige software developers to market solutions fully adapted to specific requirements to guarantee the integrity, inalterability and preservation of billing records.

MuyPymes: How does using your solutions improve the relationship with customers?

Eugenia Duto: At Wolters Kluwer we are firmly committed to collaborative work environments with the aim of achieving greater productivity, efficiency and autonomy. The collaborative model is our differentiating element in the market.

Our solutions stand out especially for having functionalities that allow companies to have a simple daily workflow and that allow agile communication with all the agents with which they interact, such as the advisor, financial institutions, clients, partners, etc.

MuyPymes: Many businesses complain about the lack of time or budget to implement all the solutions they would need. What can they do when faced with these handicaps?

Eugenia Duto: It is true that small and medium-sized companies know that they have to go digital, they have it on their roadmap, but they do not find the time to carry it out or know where to start or if they can assume the cost that it will entail.

The budget handicap has been largely solved with the arrival of the Digital Kit programme, from Next Generation Funds, to finance the digitization of SMEs and the self-employed. Thus, companies with less than 50 workers can opt for a subsidy to start their digital transformation thanks to European aid, alleviating budgetary problems, with bonuses of 2,000 to 12,000 euros for companies.

With more than 30 years of experience in providing expert advice to companies and professional firms for their digitization, at Wolters Kluwer we have become a digitizer agent of the Kit Digital program in order to accompany companies in this process of digital transformation, evaluating their point of view. starting point and recommending the steps to follow to achieve your goal.

MuyPymes: Why is HR promoting its digitization in such a powerful way, in recent months?

Eugenia Duto: The Human Resources Department has always been a pioneer in promoting digitization within organizations and in many cases it has emerged as the engine of change in companies. This is a highly complex area that must offer added value, innovative solutions and benefits to workers to obtain a differential factor.

On the other hand, the pandemic accelerated digitization in all sectors, but especially in this one, and in a more profound way, since thanks to technological solutions supported by the cloud or contactless services such as the digital signature, it was possible to maintain the activity, the procedures labor, internal communication, etc., and the companies that had not yet implemented them saw the importance of having them to accompany the employee in their labor relationship, gaining in efficiency and productivity and achieving the maximum performance and health of their workers.

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