Follow these steps and they will never steal your social networks

Protecting social networks is very important on the Internet, since they are always the target of hackers. Examples such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram tend to receive many security threats through Phishing attacks, Trojans, keyloggers… But what can you do to improve protection as much as possible? In this article we tell you the steps you must take to protect your social networks from any intruder or cyber attack.

Steps to protect social networks well

If you like prevent them from entering your accounts of social networks, it is essential that you take certain measures. You must make sure that you have everything in perfect condition and take care of the security of both the account and the device that you are going to use. Therefore, check these steps to avoid problems.

Use strong passwords

The first thing is to use keys that are really secure. Avoid passwords that you can memorize, as that is a bad sign. You should never use your name, date of birth or any similar information that is easy to remember. Ideally, it should be completely random, with letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols.

Also, you shouldn’t have the same password for a long time. It is best that you change it from time to time. In this way you make sure you always have a reliable key, which has not been leaked or has any vulnerability. Although there is no specific date, we can say that if you change it once a month it is better than once a year.

Enable two-factor authentication

But beyond the password, something very important to avoid intruders on social networks is to enable the two step authentication. It is an extra security barrier that will prevent you from having problems in case someone managed to figure out the password. In order to enter, he would need a second step.

That second step is usually a code you receive via SMS, but it could also be via a 2FA app. What you are really doing is verifying that you are the person responsible for that account and that it is not an intrusion. It is something that is already present on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Protect your devices

Besides, the security It must always be present on the devices you use to enter social networks. It does not matter if you are going to enter from the computer or from the mobile. In all cases you must have the system protected, install a good antivirus and also make sure that the device is updated and thus avoid vulnerabilities.

When you log in to social networks, always do so from a browser that is protected or, failing that, from the official application. Never enter from external links or programs that are not official.

Be careful where you log in

Another factor to take into account is where you log into your social networks. You must avoid public networks, such as the Wi-Fi of an airport or shopping center. In those places you never know who might be behind it, if the network is really reliable, if it has any vulnerability or any problem.

However, you can always connect if you use a VPN that encrypts the connection. In this way, security increases and you do not have the risk that your personal information could be leaked in this type of public network.

As you can see, you can take these steps into account to protect your social networks. Using a good password, enabling two-step authentication, having your devices protected, and avoiding public networks are some essential points to keep in mind. You can always detect intruders on social networks.

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