Google announces Android 13 Go Edition, with better design and easy updates

Google has presented Android 13 Go Edition, the next version of the system specifically optimized to work on entry-level smartphones. It has also announced the total number of users of the platform and that it now amounts to 250 million terminals.

Google started five years ago with ‘Oreo’ the Android program ‘Go’ with the aim of better support entry-level mobile phones and basic hardware. Although the requirements have increased in recent versions, this light and reduced version was capable of moving terminals with only 512 Mbytes of RAM, equally reduced storage and prices from just 50 euros.

The platform has optimized services, dedicated apps for the version with defined and special space in the Play Store, features to work in offline mode or a built-in data manager to help preserve mobile data that tends to be smaller. in basic terminals.

Google has been improving this light version every year, developing a specific edition for each major version of Android published. The truth is that it has met its objectives and its use has been increasing. Today, rule 250 million monthly active unitsas announced by the company.

Android 13 Go Edition, news

One of the key novelties of the version resides in the arrival of the Google Play system updates for Android Go devices. This means that users will be able to get some essential updates to the Android ecosystem on the go without having to wait for the phone manufacturer to release them.

“This will make delivery of critical updates quick and easy without compromising on-device storage availability. The result will be that your phone will stay up-to-date over time, without having to wait for the next version or software release from your phone manufacturer to get the latest and greatest.”explains the company.

The second leg of Android 13 Go Edition will be the arrival of the design language Material You used since Android 12. These types of layouts will improve customization, feature integration, and visual consistency throughout the interface. In addition, the new version of Android Go will show personalized articles and content when we swipe left from the home screen. East feed Discover also includes short videos and sports event results updates.

The new notification permissions and the ability to define languages ​​per application that Android 13 has released will also be available in this light version, along with some local forks that will offer a more personalized user experience. The first terminals with Android 13 Go Edition will be released in 2023.

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