Henry Cavill (the Witcher) proves to be an expert recommending books

Henry Cavill has shown many times that he is one of ours. Taller, more handsome, stronger, and most of all, much richer and more famous, but one of us, a geek from head to toe.

The Internet has already flown through the air in that viral video where he assembled his computer equipment gaming and, in many interviews, he has consistently shown that is a real nerd when it comes to science fiction, fantasy and games.

In one of the last conversations with a BBC journalist, to promote the second season of The witcher on Netflix, this asks Cavill to give some science fiction and fantasy book recommendations to viewers.

What almost always produces a generic response with some ringing name (Tolkien, obviously) becomes, in this case, a masterclass of literature where he not only makes exceptional recommendations, but explains the reasons for each one like the expert that he is.

Henry Cavill’s Fantasy Book Recommendations

The first thing that responds, automatically, is that let’s read “anything written by Raymond E. Heist”.

Creator of some of the best fantasy sagas (Serpentwar, Darkwar, Chaoswar…), the prolific North American author is recommended by Cavill because he has created a tremendously massive world, with all kinds of interconnected stories, with which we will have for years of reading, according to the actor.

The next is any work by David Gemmel, in which Cavill elaborates detailing that there are some interconnected worlds, but more separated. Of course, it refers to that it’s already a classic, with awards named after him.

And of course, anything written by Brandon Sanderson, probably one of the names that sounds the most in fantasy literature today.

His series of The archive of storms and, of him as author, highlights his brilliant job of creating a very original world with its own rules, without following the Tolkien-style template, which is already too hackneyed in fantasy literature.

In addition, Cavill deepens that these are high-quality books that, in addition, convey an excellent message without the need to pontificate, as happens with some works that attempt that.

Interestingly, Sanderson also participates in the saga The wheel of time, which he co-writes in his last volumes with his original author, Robert Jordan. That is the fourth of the recommendations of our geek favorite.

Curiously, The wheel of time has recently been serialized and is in direct competition with The witcher on Amazon Prime Video. But Henry Cavill is magnanimous even in that. A pity that, in the end, science fiction recommendations have not made any, because we have been left with the desire.

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