How can an SD-WAN implementation benefit companies?

The world has evolved Software Defined Wide Area Network or SD-WAN has meant a change in the rules of the game when dealing with digital transformation. The tremendous growth of network applications and the number of devices connected to the Internet of Things in recent years have put enormous pressure on wide area networks. SD-WAN technology has been instrumental in transforming business connectivity. It is estimated that by the end of 2023, 60% of companies will have already adopted this technology.

Organizations are increasingly betting on digital transformation to keep pace with emerging markets, customer demands and increased competition. Legacy WAN infrastructure was not designed for an era where workers choose where they work as well as how they access the network. Additionally, most critical services are often distributed across multiple clouds, which can further compromise network performance.

SD-WAN not only simplifies the management and operation of a WAN, but also offers a number of benefits. The benefits of SD-WAN are based on flexibility and agility, allowing companies to make their network more efficient and dynamic when consuming resources.

By adopting this technology, companies also eliminate the heavy expense of routing hardware and instead provision connectivity and services from a single location. It also has the benefit of greater flexibility, allowing businesses to scale connectivity as needed.

SD-WAN technology also improves a company’s connectivity between its branches, the main office and the cloud. This flexibility also means that companies can avoid overprovisioning, further reducing costs. On the other hand, SD-WAN helps improve overall network performance and employee productivity by providing quick and easy access to a company’s applications.

The SD-WAN can be configured to prioritize business-critical traffic and real-time services like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and then route it along the most efficient path. By facilitating critical applications over reliable, high-performance connections, CIOs and their teams can help reduce latency issues, thereby improving employee productivity.

Finally, it is necessary to bear in mind that digital transformation is a double-edged sword. While it can improve customer satisfaction and expand market reach, it can also expose a business to significant security risks. Fortunately, many SD-WAN solutions already offer built-in security.

Signed: Joan Monrabá, General Manager of Colt in Spain

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