Why disable Wi-Fi in Windows
There are different reasons why we can decide to remove the wireless network on our computer and make it unavailable. We can do this whether we have a Wi-Fi card integrated into the board or if it is a USB card. It can be interesting to avoid problems or to reduce the risk of intruders on a device, for example.
Security reasons
The first reason to disable Wi-Fi in Windows is to improve the security. It does not mean that having an active Wi-Fi card by itself is going to be dangerous, but there will undoubtedly be more options that we connect to a network that we should not or that a hacker can sneak some type of virus and control the computer through over the wireless network.
Therefore, security is one of the reasons. As long as we disconnect all the network cards, be it Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or any wireless medium, the attackers’ field of action will be less.
Energy saving
Another important reason is the energy saving. It is logical to think that the more external devices we have connected to a computer, although apparently they are not working at that moment, the more battery consumption there will be.
If we have an active and working Wi-Fi card, it will constantly be looking for networks. If we are going to use the laptop by battery and we do not need to access a wireless network and we want to save as much energy as possible, this is one of the reasons for this.
Software-level conflict
It may also happen that we have a problem at the level of software or configuration. For example, if we use a VPN and this program has problems with a Wi-Fi network card that we have installed. This may be reason for us to decide to disable it completely.
Many of the network problems that we can find appear due to these types of problems that we mentioned. A simple device that we have connected can affect the entire system.
How to disable the Wi-Fi adapter
After explaining what are the main reasons to disable Wi-Fi completely in Windows we will explain how we can do it. We have different options for this and the end goal is the same. Of course, it is something that we can reverse at any time and make it available again. In this way we will prevent the Wi-Fi from continuing to search for networks even if we disconnect. It is as if we have removed the adapter from the computer.
Windows Settings
The first option to disable Wi-Fi in Windows is to go to the Operating System Settings. For this we have to go to Start, we enter Setting and later we click on Network and Internet so that it takes us to all the options related to the team’s networks.
There you have to click on Center network and sharing and later in Change adapter configuration. We will see all the network cards, both physical and virtual, that we have installed. What we are going to do is select the one of the Wi-Fi, which will be the one that interests us, and with the second button of the mouse we give it to Deactivate.
This process will take a few seconds and right after we will see that the Wi-Fi receiver. If we click on the icon, nothing will appear, nor will it show us networks, nor will it give any indication that it is working. With this we have disabled it.
To re-enable it, we can simply follow the steps we have taken and, this time, click Activate again. It will also take a few seconds and then we will be able to use it normally again.
Device administrator
Another option we have available for disable Wi-Fi in Windows it is Device Manager. To do this we have to go to Start again, access the Device Manager and enter Network Adapters. It will show us all the adapters that this team has and we have to click with the right mouse button.
We will see that a small menu is displayed with different options, among which is Disable device. We have to click there and it will automatically stop being available and will not work.
If at any time we want it to be active again, we just have to follow the same steps and this time click on Enable device. It will automatically start to configure it so that it works normally again and be able to search for networks and connect to any Wi-Fi.
Command line
A third option if we want to disable the wireless network in Windows is to use the command line. To do this we have to go to Start, enter the Command Prompt and then execute the command netsh wlan show interfaces. What is this command for? It will show us a series of data among which is the name of the network card, which will generally give us Wi-Fi. If we know what its name is, it would not be necessary to execute it.
The next command to run is netsh interface set interface name = »Network-name» admin = DISABLED. In this case we have to change “Network-name” to Wi-Fi or to the name that that network adapter actually uses.
In the event that in the future we want to enable it again, we would only have to change “DISABLED” to “ENABLED”. The networks will automatically appear again and it will work normally.
Therefore, these are the options we have to disable Wi-Fi in Windows 10. We have seen different solutions with which we will not have to install any type of program. Also, in some cases, we can simply disconnect the network card if it is connected by USB or even configure it from the router so that there is no network available. However, at the software level from Windows 10 these are the options we have.