How to configure web browser and system not to download viruses

Do not download applications without verifying

Also, at the time of download programs from the internet It is common for viruses to strain us. This happens when we download applications without verifying if they are really safe or not. It goes a bit in tune with what we mentioned about fake links. We could end up on a site that has been created only to distribute malware and download some program there.

It is important that whenever you download something, whether it is a program that you are going to install, a document that you are going to open or whatever, you verify the source well. In this way you can avoid many problems that will compromise your security and privacy. They could infect you with a virus without you realizing it.

Avoid abusing browser plugins

You could download a virus from the browser through fake extensions that you may have installed by mistake. In this case, those add-ons might start displaying bars at the top of Chrome or Firefox, showing pop-up ads or redirecting you to unsafe sites. It is what is known as adware and is a major problem for browsers.

What you should do is avoid installing too many plugins. There are many extensions available and they can help group tabs, read certain files, or even help with security. However, there are many that are not reliable, that have been designed solely to attack and therefore you must be very sure of what you are installing.

Control e-mail and social networks

Something very important and that you must control well is the email. Through the browser, you could open a fake email containing malware and download a virus by mistake. It is a widely used method for delivering malicious software. They can sneak a Trojan, ransomware, a keylogger to steal your passwords…

Something similar also happens with the social networks. Platforms like Facebook or Twitter can be used to distribute malware. You must be careful with which users you add as contacts, which messages you open or links you can receive. There they could refer you to a false page and sneak a virus.

Use a warranty browser

Of course, it is important that you use a guaranteed, safe browser that does not pose a problem. Which one to use? The truth is that there is a wide range of options. For example Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari are some of the most popular and also safe. They are up-to-date and undergo continuous review.

The interesting thing here is that you avoid unknown browsers, which may even be fake. Always download them from safe sites and make sure they are updated correctly. In the case of Chrome, you can check it if you go to the menu at the top right, click on Help and click on Google Chrome Information. It will automatically show you which version you have and start updating if necessary.

Tips to protect your computer from malware

We have shown some important tips for avoid downloading viruses with the browser. However, that is not enough to be fully protected. For this reason, we are going to give some additional recommendations to maintain the security of the computer and thus avoid the entry of malware that could compromise its proper functioning.

security programs

You cannot miss having a good security program. Using an antivirus is essential to prevent the entry of malware. In case you click where you shouldn’t and download a virus, these types of programs could block that download or delete the file before it can compromise your computer.

you will find many antivirus available, both free and paid. Some options like Microsoft Defender, Avast or Bitdefender work very well. However, whichever you choose, you must inform yourself beforehand and make sure that it will fulfill its function. You can see comments from other users, ratings, etc.

keep everything up to date

You should also keep in mind the importance of keeping the system updated. On many occasions, vulnerabilities can appear that are exploited by hackers. These failures can be used to sneak in a Trojan, virus or simply cause a device to not work well.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you must install the latest versions at all times. In the case of Windows, to update it you can go to Start, enter Settings, Windows Update and there it will automatically start to update if there is a file pending to be installed.

Avoid unofficial software

When you install a program on your computer or mobile, you must make sure that it is legitimate. Avoid installing unofficial software, as this can be the entry point for malware. You could get a virus through an application that you have downloaded from a third-party site, without guarantees, that you have found by chance browsing.

always go to the official website of that program. Alternatively you can use app stores safe and reliable, such as the Microsoft Store or Google Play. On these sites, the programs pass a security filter to detect possible irregularities. Although that does not mean that they are 100% safe, without a doubt you will have a higher probability.

Periodic revision

On the other hand, you must carry out a periodic review. Make sure your computer is up to date, your antivirus is working properly, and there’s nothing wrong with the programs you have installed. This will help you detect problems that could be used by attackers to sneak a virus into you.

Follow the tips we’ve given, but don’t just focus on the browser; It is also important to protect all the equipment and carry out a periodic review to detect problems as soon as possible.

In short, as you can see, it is a major problem to accidentally download a virus through the browser. For this reason, it is always advisable to be prepared, to have everything updated, to use security programs and, in short, to be protected to avoid putting security and privacy at risk when browsing.

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