Many of you may already be using this option to auto-flush every 30 days on Mac, but surely many new users and others not so new, are not using it. This option has been available for a long time in macOS, it allows us to keep our computer something cleaner.
It may seem complicated to carry out this action but it is really simple and can be programmed directly from the Finder preferences. Today we’ll see how you can delete items from the trash automatically after 30 days of being in it.
How to delete items from the trash automatically after 30 days
The first thing we have to be clear about is that once deleted from the trash if we do not have a copy in Time Machine made, we will totally lose the data, so it will not be possible to recover them once they are deleted. In this sense, we continue to recommend always make a copy of Time Machine, So, having said that, we are going to see how to activate this automatic deletion of the files that we have in the trash on our Mac.
- The first thing to do is enter the Finder on your Mac, select Finder from the top menu and click on Preferences
- Click on the Advanced option
- We select the option “Remove items from the trash after 30 days”
Clever. Now every time 30 days pass the team itself will automatically delete all the items you have stored in the trash and that logically you will no longer be able to recover unless you have an old copy of Time Machine in which those documents, files, photos and others appear …